What IS 'trashbox', anyway?

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What IS 'trashbox', anyway?

Post by marcus3217 »

So I'm working through organizing my music collection, and I keep finding what looks like duplicates of some music. When I look at the properties, it tells me that the dupes are in the "trashbox" folder, and eventually it adds this stuff back to my library.

What is "trashbox"?

How do I get rid of it, or get it to quit getting added to my library?

Why are there files there? Right now, I see 2.5 GB of files. That's roughly 4% of the 64 GB or so of music that I have. I want it to be zero. I don't know what the files are doing in there, but when I get rid of music, I want it to totally delete it from the library and the computer, which is the option I choose.

Lastly, can I just empty the folder? I don't need space at the moment, but what keeps this thing from growing more?
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Re: What IS 'trashbox', anyway?

Post by rivorson »

Are you using network storage? Buffalo NAS devices seem to call their recycle bin a trashbox.

http://sg.faq.buffalo-global.com/app/an ... 32,515,518
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Re: What IS 'trashbox', anyway?

Post by Lowlander »

You may be able to disable the trashbox (however, this means any deletion is permanent), but instead you can make sure it's not included in the folder(s) you're scanning (you can't exclude sub-folders from scanning).
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