media tree state - view at launch vs. previous shutdown

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media tree state - view at launch vs. previous shutdown

Post by denisova »

Question: How do I get MM to launch with the same media tree state that existed when MM was last shutdown?

I have a fairly complex hierarchy of playlists, etc displayed in the MM media tree. By the time I close MM, I usually have the hierarchy organized is a way that is useful to me, with some items partially collapsed, others fully expanded, etc. And I would like to return to that same media tree state the next MM is launched.

At launch MM currently displays a fully collapsed media tree hierarchy, with one exception: MM returns to the exact spot where focus had been when MM was last shut down, so that one part of the media tree is expanded just enough to display the focused item. The remaining parts of the tree are collapsed, so you must click the little triangles to expand those other parts of the hierarchy that were open at last shutdown.

So… how can get the same media tree view at launch as had been present when MM was last shutdown?

MMW Gold v4.1.9 (portable mode)

Re: media tree state - view at launch vs. previous shutdown

Post by Guest »

Click on the last item in the branch before closing?
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Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:07 pm

Re: media tree state - view at launch vs. previous shutdown

Post by denisova »

Yes, MM does that now, i.e. launch with media tree focus in the same place you left the focus when MM last shut down. So if focus was on a deeply nested playlist, MM will relaunch with that one branch of the playlist hierarchy expanded just enough to show the in-focus playlist.

In my library, I have ten playlist groups living under the Playlist node of the media tree. These playlist clusters look and function like a parent/child folder hierarchy in MS Windows. Each "parent" playlist cluster has nested within it further groups of "child" playlist clusters, and so on. You can click the little arrow to expand or close the nested playlist hierarchy.

For three or four of those "parent" playlist clusters, I like having the "child folders" visible, with further parts of the "sub-folder" hierarchy partially or fully exposed. I also like having part of the Podcast node partially expanded.

But at relaunch, MM will have just one of those playlist clusters expanded (i.e. the place that was in-focus when MM last shut down). All the other "playlist folders" are fully collapsed, even the "sub-folders" that were expanded when MM closed. So you must click down through the folder hierarchy to re-expose parts of the hierarchy.

How can I get MM to re-launch with the playlist "folder" hierarchy in the same state that I left it?

Re: media tree state - view at launch vs. previous shutdown

Post by Guest »

There's no inbuilt method for that.
Posts: 37
Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:07 pm

Re: media tree state - view at launch vs. previous shutdown

Post by denisova »

Alright. Thought I might be missing some obvious setting. Nice to know I need search no further.
Posts: 37
Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:07 pm

Re: media tree state - view at launch vs. previous shutdown

Post by denisova »

partial workaround, not fully satisfactory but somewhat useful:
  • in options > library > appearance, enable 'always show the tab bar'
    add two or three tabs using the + icon near the menu bar – the tabs should now be visible near the top of the MM app window (i.e. near menu bar)
    for each tab, navigate to a frequently used playlist (choose a deeply nested playlist if you wish to expand all ancestor playlists in the mediatree playlist hierarchy)
    on your keyboard, pressing the tab key moves horizontally across each tab shown in the tab bar, which at least saves the trouble of having to use a mouse pointer to expand all the playlist folders
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