A couple of Questions

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A couple of Questions

Post by Guest »

first off, i love this program. as soon as i can afford to send you money, i will (and i don't even need the gold features). but...

1) i seem to have to do the same exact sort again and again (i always sort by album then by track). is there any way to make this stick (including deep in the tree)?

2) i downloaded the video add on. i tested it with a few files, it seems to place them in the same tree as the music. i don't want this. is there any way to use two different databases (1 for audio, 1 for video) and easily switch between them?

3) i have a laptop with an external hardrive. The external drive has all of the mp3s on the laptop, plus more. That is, laptop harddrive has set ABC of mp3s, and external harddrive has ABC+XYZ. how to manage this without having many duplicates? i suppose if i could switch between libraries as i want to do with #2 anyway, it would work out. any suggestions?
Posts: 5419
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2001 7:00 pm
Location: Czech Republic

Post by jiri »

1) You can try MediaMonkey 2.1 RC2, which is downloadable from the beta forum. It has quite clever persisting of sort orders when you change nodes in the tree.

2&3) MediaMonkey currently doesn't support internally more than one Library. The easiest way to overcome this seems to make 2 or more installations of MM in case you need it. We plan to make a better management of multiple Libraries, but it will take some time.


Post by Guest »

1) ok. can i install 2.1 RC2 directly over the original install, or do i need to uninstall first?

2&3) ok, i was planning on trying a second install anyway, but was worried about screwing up the registry or something. but if you recommend it, that's all the better.

Posts: 5419
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2001 7:00 pm
Location: Czech Republic

Post by jiri »

1) You can install RC2 directly over the previous version.

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Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2003 5:53 pm
Location: MediaMonkey 5


Post by Lowlander »

Some improvement in multiple libraries is welcome.

But can't you just create more nodes in the library? In other words
library >
Musics >
Video >

Whereby the music node has all current library nodes (location, artist, files to edit, playlists.
Whereby Video has a similar subnode system but more specified towards video. This would probably include a overhaul of the DB to include video specific tables. Or MM could use two DB's simultaneously one for video and one for music.

I'll be waiting for any improvement whereby video's are in the library but not mixed with the music.

Post by Guest »

1) yes, sorting seems much better. thanks!

2) i now have it installed twice (one in default directory, one in a directory called MediaMonkey Video)... but the second install is using the same library - changes made in one affect the other. any help?
Posts: 56840
Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2003 5:53 pm
Location: MediaMonkey 5

Post by Lowlander »

Yep, you need to change the mediamonkey.ini file in the second installation. You'll need to add a line under [system]:
DBName = location/mediamonkey.mdb

The location should point towards where the second DB is located.

This seems like a bug to me, if MM is installed in different than preset location it still points to the preset DB location.

Hope this works and helps.
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