AccessViolationException in SongsDB API

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AccessViolationException in SongsDB API

Post by Degeim »

Hi there!

I'm developing an application that among other things allows the users to browse their library using the SongsDB API.

For some users the application (which is a C# application) immediately quits at some point. The point where it quits varies from computer to computer, but it happens for a small percentage of my users, and I have never been able to reproduce the error on my computer.

By using the Windows Event log we have been able to pinpoint two different error messages, both are System.AccessViolationExceptions:

at SongsDB.ISDBApplication.get_PlaylistByID(Int32)


at SongsDB.ISDBPlayer.PlaylistInsertTrack(Int32, SongsDB.SDBSongData)

In both cases the API throws a System.AccessViolationException, which immediately kills my application even though I try to catch the exception. I guess an AccessViolationException is serious business.

I have error reports from users using Windows XP SP3, and a couple of different Windows 7 installations. The crash happens both when the application is being run as a normal user, and when being run as an administrator.

For each user the crash always happens when opening a playlist or trying to add a song to the "Now playing" list, no matter which playlist they try to open or which track they try to insert.

Does anybody have any idea why this happens, and/or what you or I can do to fix it?