Announcing MediaMonkey 2.0 RC-1 (build 544)

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Announcing MediaMonkey 2.0 RC-1 (build 544)

Post by rusty »

We're proud to announce MediaMonkey 2.0 Release Candidate 1 (build 544). This is the same old Songs-DB you've grown to love and trust, but with a new name and some new graphics. This build consists mainly of a few minor tweaks based on feedback from Beta5.

As with previous betas, keep in mind that this is a release candidate and may contain a number of bugs, some of which have not yet been discovered. The software is being provided for feedback and testing purposes, and is recommended for use only by advanced users who regularly test pre-release software. If you plan on testing it, take precautions to backup your data to protect against any data loss during installation or usage.

What's new in build 544?
  • - Changed name to MediaMonkey
    - Updated online help & documentation
    - Added Yes/No 'to all' to warning dialog for rename operations exceeding 64-character CD limit
    - Simplified equalizer to a more usable 10 bands & added reset button
    - Added ability to use sleep function without turning off the PC
    - Added 'skip' (ignore field) mask to Auto-tag function
    - Fixed crash on exit when equalizer dialog is open
    - Fixed export/burn operations did not act on selected node (only worked on selected tracks)
MediaMonkey 2.0 RC-1:

1) If you have a previous version of Songs-DB Gold installed, do NOT uninstall it--otherwise you may have problems accessing your cached files. If you aren't using the Virtual CD, you can safely uninstall your previous version of Songs-DB before installing the new one.
2) Double-click the downloaded file to install it.
If you already have a Songs-DB database, MediaMonkey will give you the option of using it during the installation.
Last edited by rusty on Tue Sep 16, 2003 3:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Announcing MediaMonkey 2.0 RC-1 (build 544)

Post by llwb »

[quote="rusty"]Changed name to MediaMonkey

What made you change the name? I wish you hadn't done that. It's still the same great program, but....

Posts: 8486
Joined: Tue Apr 29, 2003 3:39 am
Location: Montreal, Canada

Name Change

Post by rusty »

There were a couple of problems with the existing name, due to the very generic nature of 'Songs' and 'DB':
-Searches for the terms 'song' 'db' often turned up other products
-We couldn't get the songdb domain which people often confused with songs-db
-We needed something more memorable to the average user

We did some informal research, and MediaMonkey seemed to fit the bill. Hopefully it'll grow on us all :wink:

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