Randomize playlist

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Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Nov 27, 2018 1:40 pm

Randomize playlist

Post by rhpgBowie »

I've created dynamic playlists on MM5, which I synch with MMA. Though most playlists contain hundreds of tracks, playing them using Shuffle, results in many songs being repeated quite soon - even though the playlists contain no duplicates. I've learned that many users experience these repetition-issues using Shuffle, and apparently 'randomize playlist' or 'random play' - while disabling Shuffle - may be the solution. However, I cannot find out how get from a MMA playlist to such a randomized playlist. I'm using MediaMonkey Pro for Android, version

Can someone please explain how to randomize a MMA Playlist?
Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Nov 27, 2018 1:40 pm

Re: Randomize playlist

Post by rhpgBowie »

I found that I can randomize playlist in MM5 using Sort by Random, which allows me to synch randomized playlists to MMA, so I guess this answers my initial question. I haven't deleted my question in case others are looking to achieve the same.
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