artwork, windows, android and external hdd

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artwork, windows, android and external hdd

Post by write2randy »

windows 11, MMW

i presume MMW is intended to be a media tool used by amateurs, to share great things - better than the competition!
im frustrated searching through support and forum, attempting to use correct search terms to find answers that do not wander into lengthy, computer language descriptions that i don't understand

i'll start simple - artwork. it is without issue in MM, in my windows PC. Cool.
i installed MMW and ran File>add/rescan playlists, artwork, etc. to DIVORCE myself from that "other" media program.
no issues discovered - seems to work very well.

attempting to sync my (MMW, issueless) media/playlists to a USB memory = issues. all the playlists and tracks sync fine, but (?some artwork does not?). ive spent too much time chasing the answer to an issue i don't understand. I reloaded fresh images and made sure my .jpg are not too big. the open, USB memory, internal folders show the individual tracks with the correct artwork imbedded in each track - in folders that display artwork and do not display artwork

i have yet to discover the difference between tracks that display artwork and those that don't, when my USB memory is plugged into an external player.
non-display artwork settings seem identical to artwork that does display on both the MMW tool and the USB memory - and why wouldnt they be identical? i plug in my USB and tell MMW to sync.

please share what settings to fix to have artwork display across media
thanks R.M.
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Re: artwork, windows, android and external hdd

Post by Peke »

You have not mention Android device anywhere.
What is the external player?

If USB is external HDD and you connect it to Android device then OTG (On The Go) storage on Android device is not fully working as Android by itself and its Google Media Scanner do not support OTG storage and you need to use Folder Browser to play tracks, which unfortunately do not read Album Arts from files.

To narrow the difference in files and Album Art, not all devices support different Album Art formats (even JPG have few different formats on how to store Colors and picture format).

That said it is normal that Windows Version of MM work as we have much better control over formats than on Android.

You need to be more specific on the problem (use example and steps to replicate).

FYI Even on first glance MM looks easy for beginners, a MM is very powerful tool that have learning curve because it is more targeted for serious collectors.
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Re: artwork, windows, android and external hdd

Post by write2randy »

attempting progress - i deleted the entire contents of four folders, from the dbase only, using MMW.
next, i used MMW to file>add/rescan entire external library.

prior to deletion of tracks in these folders, no tracks showed artwork on the external player while playing
post rescan, approx fourth of the tracks now show artwork while track is playing

same album, same folder, same artwork, some tracks don't display artwork - that is an improvement!
all tracks are m4a and when i save artwork, i save as jpg in the tag to all selected

i have yet to discover the difference between tracks that display artwork and those that don't, when my USB memory is plugged into an external player. why wouldn't they be identical when it is the same album, artwork, folder?

is a wide net to delete all tracks from dbase only and then file>add/rescan?
there are approx 100 folders not displaying artwork and approx 1200 that are
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Re: artwork, windows, android and external hdd

Post by write2randy »

i have yet to discover the difference between tracks that display artwork and those that don't,
when my USB memory is plugged into an external player.
why wouldn't they be identical when it is the same album, artwork, folder?

this has to be a simple setting - to fix. should i uninstall MMW and start over. what setting could it be?
instead of syncing, should i try something else? what workarounds might work?
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