Long sync times with big playlists [#20099]

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Long sync times with big playlists [#20099]

Post by tbm72 »

Whenever I do a wifi sync the part that takes the longest to complete depends on whether or not my biggest playlist has been updated.

All my tracks are rated by stars and my biggest one is my 4* playlist with about 23,000 tracks. If this playlist remains unchanged then the whole sync process finishes pretty quickly (in a matter of seconds really) but if I've made a change so that just one more track has been added to the 4 star playlist then it takes what feels like an age to complete (OK, probably only around 5 mins but it feels like a long time!)

So it's maybe not a bug as such but more of a clarification request - if a playlist goes from 20,000 tracks to 20,001 is there a way it can be made to sync quicker? I assumed it might just involve transferring the playlist xml file (which is pretty small at under 2mb) but I guess there's more to it than that?
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Re: Long sync times with big playlists

Post by Peke »

THX I managed to replicate issue (not 10 minute wait, but hopefully enough).

Added as https://www.ventismedia.com/mantis/view.php?id=20099

If you want you can follow steps there and use Send LOGS -> SAVE to log each sync.
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Re: Long sync times with big playlists [#20099]

Post by tbm72 »

I know the devs have to prioritise bugs in order of seriousness and maybe this issue doesn't affect many other users but just politely asking if there's likely to be any progress on this issue?

Every time I sync my phone to my PC (which is several times a week) it seems to take ages when it reaches my biggest playlist which usually increases by just a few tracks each time. So if the playlist goes from say 24,000 files to 24,001 the sync seems to take upwards of 5 minutes to sync that specific playlist. All my other shorter playlists sync in a matter of seconds but that one holds up the whole process (usually just as I'm leaving to go out the door!)

Thank you :)
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