New Site

Discussion about anything that might be of interest to MediaMonkey users.

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Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:04 pm

New Site

Post by Digitaldave »

I've been a Media Monkey Gold Life member for quite a while and still no Mac version? and yet you have a new site that clearly shows a iMac, MacBook Pro, iPhone and iPad running your app. Is this a mistake? does Media Monkey run on Mac now? or are you just trying to tease us?

Explanation please.
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Location: Montreal, Canada

Re: New Site

Post by rusty »

We used stock images of a laptop, monitor, and tablet for the site and try to make it clear what platforms are supported. Apologies if this was misleading to you, but since we launched the new site we've actually had fewer mistaken orders from users thinking it's available for Mac OS. But I'll keep an eye on this.

As to a Mac version, our plan has been to release MediaMonkey 5 with underlying tech capable of supporting MM across multiple platforms, and to then start work on the platform-specific changes required for Mac OS.

That is still our plan. I can't give a commitment or a timeline but I can tell you that some of the platform-specific effort has already begun.

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Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:04 pm

Re: New Site

Post by Digitaldave »

Rusty Rusty Rusty, you can't kid a kidder. I'm in web design and development and the first question I would have using those images would be fairly obvious. "Why Mac images and not Windows computers" that's pretty misleading.

I understand that any development for Mac costs money and has its hurtles however, although I can't tell you when I first purchased my license I can say its been a while. There are a number of other less appealing options to Media Monkey to use on Mac however Media Monkey is, by far, the best option if you don't want to use iTunes.

For the life of me I can not understand what the hold up is and whats taking your team/the team so long to get a Mac version to market. I for one would be willing to pay again and for an ongoing subscription if it meant that I didn't have to use VMware with Windows just to use Media Monkey.
Posts: 8484
Joined: Tue Apr 29, 2003 3:39 am
Location: Montreal, Canada

Re: New Site

Post by rusty »

you can't kid a kidder
Maybe obvious to you, but I can tell you that we didn't go hunting for apple stock photos ;-)
For the life of me I can not understand what the hold up is and whats taking your team/the team so long to get a Mac version to market.
We're a small team, and we've been working on MMW 4 and 5, MMA, 1.x and 2.x, and MMS, so it's taken awhile to get MMW5 (the basis of our planned cross-platform desktop products) ready. And creating it for Windows was a higher priority than for Mac.

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