Auto-Sync rules not being followed - all podcasts being downloaded to phone

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Auto-Sync rules not being followed - all podcasts being downloaded to phone

Post by benanna88 »

Not sure if this is the right place to post this as I'm not sure if it's a bug or something I've missed. However just in the last few days when wirelessly syncing MMA to MMW all podcasts are being downloaded (about 4,000), when I have Auto-Sync (--> Device) set to only select some podcast subscriptions, and only unplayed episodes. It was previously working fine even in the days before this, and I don't think I'd changed any other settings. Most of my podcasts are marked as played, and MMA shows this next to the titles. And podcasts whose subscriptions are unchecked are being synced as well. Any suggestions on what might be causing this or is it a bug?

I'm on MMW (Gold) (syncing was working properly after this was installed) and WWA which I believe would have auto updated around the time it was released (30 October, well before this problem started).
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Re: Auto-Sync rules not being followed - all podcasts being downloaded to phone

Post by Lowlander »

Check all sync selections as they may fall under a different selection.
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Joined: Sat Mar 17, 2018 3:49 am

Re: Auto-Sync rules not being followed - all podcasts being downloaded to phone

Post by benanna88 »

Well now I feel stupid, but thanks so much, that did it. I'd set up an AutoPlaylist which I will use for sorting podcasts which aren't yet tagged properly or completely, but currently it contains all of them. Unchecked that and all working fine now. Thanks for the quick response too.
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