how to move / backup music to dropbox??

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how to move / backup music to dropbox??

Post by wbb »

I have a windows 7 computer. I used to use itunes for my music; then I purchased mediamonkey pro and somehow got that to play my music. What I would like to do now is to move or backup my music to dropbox.

But being a complete idiot, I have no idea of how to do that....


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Re: how to move / backup music to dropbox??

Post by Lowlander »

Dropbox likely has software you can install that will do this for you. This will be completely outside of MediaMonkey.
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Re: how to move / backup music to dropbox??

Post by trixmoto »

If you want to move it, you can use the Auto-Organise functionality in MM to rename/move all of your tracks into the Dropbox folder location. You could also use this to copy the tracks, for a primative backup - but obviously the two copies would quickly get out of sync. There was a script that did a track backup, keeping two copies of the files in sync, but it stopped working and the scripter vanished - it's something I'd love to find time to add into my "Backup" script, or possibly as a separate script, but I seem to find very little time for scripting these days.
Download my scripts at my own MediaMonkey fansite.
All the code for my website and scripts is safely backed up immediately and for free using Dropbox.
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