Easy search

Any ideas about how to improve MediaMonkey for Windows 4? Let us know!

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Jacob from Denmark

Easy search

Post by Jacob from Denmark »

First of all; thanks for great, great software!
I use it everyday, its just fantastic!

Well, a function i miss, is an "easy search"- field, maybe placed in the top of the window next to the internal player. Where u can just type a searchfrase and press enter, and itl show u the results right away.

U should also be able to configure the items being searched in, such as only the authur or the title, or maybe any field.

Again - GREAT software - just love it!

//Jacob - jbh@tryus.dk
Posts: 5419
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2001 7:00 pm
Location: Czech Republic

Post by jiri »

Thanks for a good idea, seems to be useful and so I will add it (probably in the next release).

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