Import tag info (track titles) from .txt files?

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Re: Import tag info (track titles) from .txt files?

Post by joshb »

Please, how can this script be bound to a shortcut key, and/or added to the right-click context menu? I need to use this script on many, many folders of untagged .flacs!
This was asked by several earlier posters. I have tried a few things in the scripts.ini file, but I don't know scripting and I'm just fumbling around, and I get VBS runtime error 13 when I try to run it via the shortcut key.

Also, IMHO this script needs to be more visible. I've been looking for this functionality for YEARS and only found it yesterday, after hours of searching the forum. Can a final (with keyboard shortcuts) version be posted in a more prominent place?

thanks, Josh

Re: Import tag info (track titles) from .txt files?

Post by r4pr0r »

Is there anywhere where this complete updated script is available?
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Import Tags From Text File [MM3+]

Post by Eyal »

This is a complete working version of the script I have on my computer.

- Copy the code below to a TEXT file named ImportTagsFromText.vbs (or get the file from here)
- Save that file in Mediamonkey\Scripts\Auto folder.
- Restart MediaMonkey.

-> Select the tracks to tag, Run the script through Tools|Auto-Tag from Tag-List menu.

Code: Select all

'Modified by Eyal 2008-09-15, 2011-03-05 & 2011-07-04.
Option Explicit

Sub OnStartUp
      Dim MenuItem
      Set MenuItem = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(SDB.UI.Menu_Tools, 1, -3)
         MenuItem.Caption = "Auto-Tag from Tag-List..."
         MenuItem.IconIndex = 26
         MenuItem.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
         MenuItem.OnClickFunc = "TagFromTagList"
      Set MenuItem = Nothing
End Sub

Sub TagFromTagList(MenuItem)
   Dim Form, Label, Button, Dialog, DropDownMask
   Dim EditPath, DropDownMaskMask
   Dim FileSys, File
   Set FileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   Dim Content
   Dim a
   Set Form = SDB.UI.NewForm
   Form.Common.SetRect 0, 0, 310, 180
   Form.FormPosition = 4   ' Screen Center
   Form.BorderStyle = 3    ' Dialog
   Form.Caption = "Auto-Tag from Tag-List"
   Set Label = SDB.UI.NewLabel(Form)
   Label.Common.SetRect 10, 15, 280, 18
   Label.Caption = "Tag-List File:"
   Set EditPath = SDB.UI.NewEdit(Form)
   EditPath.Common.SetRect 10, 30, 280, 18
   EditPath.Text = SDB.SelectedSongList.Item(0).Path      'Mod by Eyal: use path of first selected track.
   Set Dialog = SDB.CommonDialog
   Dialog.InitDir = EditPath.Text
   Dialog.Filter = "*.txt|*.txt|*.csv|*.csv|*.*|*.*"
   if Dialog.OK then
      EditPath.Text = Dialog.Filename
      'show first line of file
      Set File = FileSys.OpenTextFile(EditPath.Text, 1, False)
         Set Label = SDB.UI.NewLabel(Form)
        Label.Common.SetRect 10, 94, 280, 18
        Content   = File.ReadLine
         If Left(Content, 3) = "" Then Content = Mid(Content, 4)
         Label.Caption = Content
      Set File = Nothing
   end if
   Set Dialog = Nothing
   Set Label = SDB.UI.NewLabel(Form)
  Label.Common.SetRect 10, 54, 280, 18
  Label.Caption = "Mask:"
   Set DropDownMask = SDB.UI.NewDropDown(Form)
  DropDownMask.Common.SetRect 10, 69, 280, 18
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = "<Tabulator>" & Chr(13)
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & "<Return>" & Chr(13)
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%T") & Chr(13) '<Track#>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%S") & Chr(13) '<Title>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%A") & Chr(13) '<Artist>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%R") & Chr(13) '<Album Artist>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%L") & Chr(13) '<Album>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%Y") & Chr(13) '<Year>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%G") & Chr(13) '<Genre>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%B") & Chr(13) '<Bitrate>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%M") & Chr(13) '<BPM>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%C") & Chr(13) '<Composer>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%P") & Chr(13) '<Folder>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%F") & Chr(13) '<Filename>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%X") & Chr(13) '<Skip>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%ZH") & Chr(13) '<Original Artist>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%ZD") & Chr(13) '<Comment>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%U") & Chr(13) '<Custom1>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%V") & Chr(13) '<Custom2>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%W") & Chr(13) '<Custom3>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%J") & Chr(13) '<Custom4>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%K")           '<Custom5>
   for a = 1 to 10
      Content = SDB.INIFile.StringValue("TagsFromFileList", "LastMask" & a)
      if Content <> "" then
         if a = 1 then DropDownMask.Text = Content
      end if

  Set Button = SDB.UI.NewButton( Form)
  Button.Caption = SDB.Localize("&Ok")
  Button.Common.SetRect 115, 110, 75, 25
  Button.ModalResult = 1
  Button.Default = True

  Set Button = SDB.UI.NewButton( Form)
  Button.Caption = SDB.Localize("&Cancel")
  Button.Common.SetRect 215, 110, 75, 25
  Button.ModalResult = 2
  Button.Cancel = True

  if Form.ShowModal = 1 then
     Dim Tracks, Track
     Dim FileListPos
     Dim Mask, MaskLines
     Dim TagListContent, TagListLines, LastFileListPos
     Dim intTemp
     Set Tracks = SDB.SelectedSongList
      for a = 1 to 10
         SDB.INIFile.DeleteKey "TagsFromFileList", "LastMask" & a
      for a = 0 to DropDownMask.ItemCount
         if a = 0 then
            Content = DropDownMask.Text
            Content = DropDownMask.ItemText(a - 1)
         end if
         if Content <> "" then SDB.INIFile.StringValue("TagsFromFileList", "LastMask" & (a + 1)) = Content
         'clear Duplicates in DropDownList
         for intTemp = a to DropDownMask.ItemCount - 1
            if DropDownMask.ItemText(intTemp) = Content then DropDownMask.DeleteItem(intTemp)
      if not SDB.Tools.FileSystem.FileExists(EditPath.Text) then
         SDB.MessageBox "File " & EditPath.Text & " not found!", mtError, Array(mbOK)
         Exit Sub
      end if
     Set File = FileSys.OpenTextFile(EditPath.Text, 1, False)
     Mask = SDB.Tools.UFText2Mask(DropDownMask.Text)
     Mask = Replace(Mask, "<Tabulator>", Chr(9))
      Mask = Replace(Mask, "<Return>", Chr(13))
     MaskLines = Count(Mask, Chr(13))
     TagListContent = File.ReadAll
    'modified by MJM 01-05-2007
    TagListLines = Count(TagListContent, Chr(13)) - 1 
    'MsgBox "Int(TagListLines / MaskLines): " & Int(TagListLines / MaskLines) 
    'MsgBox "TagListLines / MaskLines: " & TagListLines / MaskLines 
     If (TagListLines / MaskLines) <> Int(TagListLines / MaskLines) Then
         if TagListLines <> (Int(TagListLines / MaskLines)*MaskLines + 1) then
            SDB.MessageBox "Number of Lines in Tag-List and Mask doesn't fit!", mtError, Array(mbOK)
          Exit Sub
         end if
     End If
     If Tracks.Count <> Int(TagListLines / MaskLines) Then
         SDB.MessageBox "Number of Lines in Tag-List and Track-List doesn't fit!", mtError, Array(mbOK)
       Exit Sub
     End If
     FileListPos = 0
     LastFileListPos = 0
     TagListContent = TagListContent + Chr(13)
     For intTemp = 1 To (TagListLines / MaskLines) 'soviele Tracks
         Set Track = Tracks.Item(intTemp - 1)
       For a = 1 To MaskLines
         FileListPos = InStr(FileListPos + 1, TagListContent, Chr(13))
       Content = Trim(Mid(TagListContent, LastFileListPos + 1, FileListPos - LastFileListPos-1))
         If Left(Content, 3) = "" Then Content = Mid(Content, 4)
         'necessary for ParseText:
         if InStr(Mask, "%A") then Track.ArtistName = ""
         if InStr(Mask, "%L") then Track.AlbumName = ""
         if InStr(Mask, "%R") then Track.AlbumArtistName = ""
         if InStr(Mask, "%G") then Track.Genre = ""

         Track.ParseText Content, Mask

       LastFileListPos = FileListPos + 1
         Set Track = Nothing
      'Refresh Screen
      for a = 0 to Tracks.Count - 1
     If SDB.MessageBox("Correct?", mtConfirmation, Array(mbYes, mbNo)) = mrYes Then
     End If
  End if
End Sub

Function Count(Text, Seperator)
   Dim intTemp
   Count = 0
   intTemp = 1
     Count = Count + 1
     intTemp = InStr(intTemp + 1, Text, Seperator)
   Loop While intTemp > 0
End Function 

Eyal :~)
Skins for MediaMonkey: Cafe, Carbon, Helium, Spotify, Zekton. [ Wiki Zone ].
Posts: 21
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Re: Import tag info (track titles) from .txt files?

Post by Nanya »

Thanks for the awesome script, I use this all the time. I wanted it to support Unicode so I added a "-1" to lines 45 and 136. They should now read:

Code: Select all

Set File = FileSys.OpenTextFile(EditPath.Text, 1, False, -1)
Additionally, in order to prevent the script from continuing, it's necessary to add

Code: Select all

     Exit Sub
...between lines 51 & 52 so the result is:

Code: Select all

      Set File = Nothing
     Exit Sub
   End If
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Re: Import tag info (track titles) from .txt files?

Post by rozzah »

I presume - you don't have to 'wrap' the numbered song name in a <Title>

1. songname A
2. songname B

it DOESN'T have to be <Title>1. songname A</Title>

I've tried both anyway.. no joy

I saved the latest vbs code and the above edits (last 2 posts) - I'm still getting the error
'Number of Lines in Tag-List and Track-List doesn't fit'

Can anyone confirm this working in latest Media Monkey
I'm going try on an older Windows machine

To be honest I don't know why this is not a FEATURE - you should be able to paste from the web or into a dialouge box - the suggestion of a context menu for scripts extra would also be useful but want to getting it working first - I have Mozart x 40CD to tag !

Anyway - fair play to the original vbs writer

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Re: Import tag info (track titles) from .txt files?

Post by Peke »

If there is need for MMIP hosting I'll be glad to provide one.
Best regards,
MediaMonkey Team lead QA/Tech Support guru
Admin of Free MediaMonkey addon Site HappyMonkeying
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Re: Import Tags From Text File [MM3+]

Post by Janderia »

Eyal wrote:This is a complete working version of the script I have on my computer.

- Copy the code below to a TEXT file named ImportTagsFromText.vbs (or get the file from here)
- Save that file in Mediamonkey\Scripts\Auto folder.
- Restart MediaMonkey.

-> Select the tracks to tag, Run the script through Tools|Auto-Tag from Tag-List menu.

Code: Select all

'Modified by Eyal 2008-09-15, 2011-03-05 & 2011-07-04.
Option Explicit

Sub OnStartUp
      Dim MenuItem
      Set MenuItem = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(SDB.UI.Menu_Tools, 1, -3)
         MenuItem.Caption = "Auto-Tag from Tag-List..."
         MenuItem.IconIndex = 26
         MenuItem.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
         MenuItem.OnClickFunc = "TagFromTagList"
      Set MenuItem = Nothing
End Sub

Sub TagFromTagList(MenuItem)
   Dim Form, Label, Button, Dialog, DropDownMask
   Dim EditPath, DropDownMaskMask
   Dim FileSys, File
   Set FileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   Dim Content
   Dim a
   Set Form = SDB.UI.NewForm
   Form.Common.SetRect 0, 0, 310, 180
   Form.FormPosition = 4   ' Screen Center
   Form.BorderStyle = 3    ' Dialog
   Form.Caption = "Auto-Tag from Tag-List"
   Set Label = SDB.UI.NewLabel(Form)
   Label.Common.SetRect 10, 15, 280, 18
   Label.Caption = "Tag-List File:"
   Set EditPath = SDB.UI.NewEdit(Form)
   EditPath.Common.SetRect 10, 30, 280, 18
   EditPath.Text = SDB.SelectedSongList.Item(0).Path      'Mod by Eyal: use path of first selected track.
   Set Dialog = SDB.CommonDialog
   Dialog.InitDir = EditPath.Text
   Dialog.Filter = "*.txt|*.txt|*.csv|*.csv|*.*|*.*"
   if Dialog.OK then
      EditPath.Text = Dialog.Filename
      'show first line of file
      Set File = FileSys.OpenTextFile(EditPath.Text, 1, False)
         Set Label = SDB.UI.NewLabel(Form)
        Label.Common.SetRect 10, 94, 280, 18
        Content   = File.ReadLine
         If Left(Content, 3) = "" Then Content = Mid(Content, 4)
         Label.Caption = Content
      Set File = Nothing
   end if
   Set Dialog = Nothing
   Set Label = SDB.UI.NewLabel(Form)
  Label.Common.SetRect 10, 54, 280, 18
  Label.Caption = "Mask:"
   Set DropDownMask = SDB.UI.NewDropDown(Form)
  DropDownMask.Common.SetRect 10, 69, 280, 18
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = "<Tabulator>" & Chr(13)
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & "<Return>" & Chr(13)
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%T") & Chr(13) '<Track#>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%S") & Chr(13) '<Title>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%A") & Chr(13) '<Artist>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%R") & Chr(13) '<Album Artist>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%L") & Chr(13) '<Album>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%Y") & Chr(13) '<Year>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%G") & Chr(13) '<Genre>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%B") & Chr(13) '<Bitrate>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%M") & Chr(13) '<BPM>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%C") & Chr(13) '<Composer>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%P") & Chr(13) '<Folder>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%F") & Chr(13) '<Filename>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%X") & Chr(13) '<Skip>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%ZH") & Chr(13) '<Original Artist>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%ZD") & Chr(13) '<Comment>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%U") & Chr(13) '<Custom1>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%V") & Chr(13) '<Custom2>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%W") & Chr(13) '<Custom3>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%J") & Chr(13) '<Custom4>
   DropDownMask.Common.Hint = DropDownMask.Common.Hint & SDB.Tools.Mask2UFText("%K")           '<Custom5>
   for a = 1 to 10
      Content = SDB.INIFile.StringValue("TagsFromFileList", "LastMask" & a)
      if Content <> "" then
         if a = 1 then DropDownMask.Text = Content
      end if

  Set Button = SDB.UI.NewButton( Form)
  Button.Caption = SDB.Localize("&Ok")
  Button.Common.SetRect 115, 110, 75, 25
  Button.ModalResult = 1
  Button.Default = True

  Set Button = SDB.UI.NewButton( Form)
  Button.Caption = SDB.Localize("&Cancel")
  Button.Common.SetRect 215, 110, 75, 25
  Button.ModalResult = 2
  Button.Cancel = True

  if Form.ShowModal = 1 then
     Dim Tracks, Track
     Dim FileListPos
     Dim Mask, MaskLines
     Dim TagListContent, TagListLines, LastFileListPos
     Dim intTemp
     Set Tracks = SDB.SelectedSongList
      for a = 1 to 10
         SDB.INIFile.DeleteKey "TagsFromFileList", "LastMask" & a
      for a = 0 to DropDownMask.ItemCount
         if a = 0 then
            Content = DropDownMask.Text
            Content = DropDownMask.ItemText(a - 1)
         end if
         if Content <> "" then SDB.INIFile.StringValue("TagsFromFileList", "LastMask" & (a + 1)) = Content
         'clear Duplicates in DropDownList
         for intTemp = a to DropDownMask.ItemCount - 1
            if DropDownMask.ItemText(intTemp) = Content then DropDownMask.DeleteItem(intTemp)
      if not SDB.Tools.FileSystem.FileExists(EditPath.Text) then
         SDB.MessageBox "File " & EditPath.Text & " not found!", mtError, Array(mbOK)
         Exit Sub
      end if
     Set File = FileSys.OpenTextFile(EditPath.Text, 1, False)
     Mask = SDB.Tools.UFText2Mask(DropDownMask.Text)
     Mask = Replace(Mask, "<Tabulator>", Chr(9))
      Mask = Replace(Mask, "<Return>", Chr(13))
     MaskLines = Count(Mask, Chr(13))
     TagListContent = File.ReadAll
    'modified by MJM 01-05-2007
    TagListLines = Count(TagListContent, Chr(13)) - 1 
    'MsgBox "Int(TagListLines / MaskLines): " & Int(TagListLines / MaskLines) 
    'MsgBox "TagListLines / MaskLines: " & TagListLines / MaskLines 
     If (TagListLines / MaskLines) <> Int(TagListLines / MaskLines) Then
         if TagListLines <> (Int(TagListLines / MaskLines)*MaskLines + 1) then
            SDB.MessageBox "Number of Lines in Tag-List and Mask doesn't fit!", mtError, Array(mbOK)
          Exit Sub
         end if
     End If
     If Tracks.Count <> Int(TagListLines / MaskLines) Then
         SDB.MessageBox "Number of Lines in Tag-List and Track-List doesn't fit!", mtError, Array(mbOK)
       Exit Sub
     End If
     FileListPos = 0
     LastFileListPos = 0
     TagListContent = TagListContent + Chr(13)
     For intTemp = 1 To (TagListLines / MaskLines) 'soviele Tracks
         Set Track = Tracks.Item(intTemp - 1)
       For a = 1 To MaskLines
         FileListPos = InStr(FileListPos + 1, TagListContent, Chr(13))
       Content = Trim(Mid(TagListContent, LastFileListPos + 1, FileListPos - LastFileListPos-1))
         If Left(Content, 3) = "" Then Content = Mid(Content, 4)
         'necessary for ParseText:
         if InStr(Mask, "%A") then Track.ArtistName = ""
         if InStr(Mask, "%L") then Track.AlbumName = ""
         if InStr(Mask, "%R") then Track.AlbumArtistName = ""
         if InStr(Mask, "%G") then Track.Genre = ""

         Track.ParseText Content, Mask

       LastFileListPos = FileListPos + 1
         Set Track = Nothing
      'Refresh Screen
      for a = 0 to Tracks.Count - 1
     If SDB.MessageBox("Correct?", mtConfirmation, Array(mbYes, mbNo)) = mrYes Then
     End If
  End if
End Sub

Function Count(Text, Seperator)
   Dim intTemp
   Count = 0
   intTemp = 1
     Count = Count + 1
     intTemp = InStr(intTemp + 1, Text, Seperator)
   Loop While intTemp > 0
End Function 

Eyal :~)
I'm using MM and am trying to use this script but I'm not seeing the menu item under tools or tools --> scripts. I've tried saving the .vbs file with both notepad and with wordpad but neither seem to work. I've also tried removing the -1 from this line:

TagListLines = Count(TagListContent, Chr(13)) - 1

The version seems to be a couple years old so I'm wondering if it just won't work with the version of MM I have. Is anyone able to use it with ver

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Re: Import tag info (track titles) from .txt files?

Post by Eyal »

In MM4 scripts are saved to the user folder. So it might be one of these folders:
nohitter151 wrote:If you installed the script for a single user it would be at:

Windows 7 / Vista:
C:\Users\_your username_\AppData\Roaming\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto

Win XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\_your username_\Application Data\Roaming\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto
Skins for MediaMonkey: Cafe, Carbon, Helium, Spotify, Zekton. [ Wiki Zone ].

Re: Import tag info (track titles) from .txt files?

Post by janderia »

Eyal wrote:In MM4 scripts are saved to the user folder. So it might be one of these folders:
I moved the .vbs file to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto but I'm still not seeing anything in the Tools --> Scripts menu. I know that this script doesn't need an entry in scripts.ini but just to test things, I tried putting an entry in the scripts.ini anyway. There are two scripts.ini files on my computer, one is in the C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Scripts that was installed with Media Monkey. The other is in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto and was installed with another script that seems to work ok (DiscogsAutoTagWeb.vbs). I added the ImportTagsFromText section after the DiscogsAutoTagWeb section.

Code: Select all

DisplayName=Import Tags From Text...
Description=Tags based on input from a text file
So at this point, I can start MM 4 and I do see a menu item with the scripts.ini section added. :)
The problem from here is that I get an error when I try to start the script by clicking on it from the menu. :(
This is the error I'm getting:

Code: Select all

Error #450 - Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment "TagFromTagList"
File: "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\MediaMonkey\Scripts\ImportTagsFromText.vbs", Line: 1, Column: 0
I've since removed the extra section in scripts.ini and moved the script back to the Auto folder but unfortunately I'm still not able to see the script from the menu. I'm a systems type and not a developer so it wouldn't surprise me if its just something simple. Could there be something I'm missing?
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Re: Import tag info (track titles) from .txt files?

Post by janderia »

I've determined that the problem may reside in the menuitem options or something related. With my limited programing knowledge, that may not be correct but what I did find was that adding a shortcut option allows me to run the script without incident. My .mov files were re-tagged properly from my input file. The shortcut option was the only change I made. I'm still not seeing the menu item though. It would be nice to have it around so that I'm not relying on my memory to recall that I set CTRL-1 to run the script so if anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Could MM 4 handle the menuitems differently than MM3?

Here's the top portion of the script with my change...

Code: Select all

Option Explicit

Sub OnStartUp
      Dim MenuItem
      Set MenuItem = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(SDB.UI.Menu_Tools, 1, -3)
         MenuItem.Caption = "Auto-Tag from Tag-List..."
         MenuItem.IconIndex = 26
         MenuItem.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
         MenuItem.OnClickFunc = "TagFromTagList"
         MenuItem.Shortcut = "Ctrl+1"
      Set MenuItem = Nothing
End Sub
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Location: Québec

Re: Import tag info (track titles) from .txt files?

Post by Eyal »

That's really strange that it doesn't appear in the menu. Adding the shortcut to this menu item means it's must be there and working. Otherwise the shortcut won't work. Are you sure you're looking in the TOOLS menu?

MM3 and MM4 handle the menus the same way.

Skins for MediaMonkey: Cafe, Carbon, Helium, Spotify, Zekton. [ Wiki Zone ].
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Re: Import tag info (track titles) from .txt files?

Post by gvmsia »

pls help, this is a sample of my Excel database that i converted to text. Can I know what to do next, to get it to be imported into MM columns columns "Custom 1", "Album", "Track#", "Title", "Artist"?


Code: Select all

A0001,Everyday,1,I Did It,Dave Matthews Band
A0001,Everyday,2,When The World Ends,Dave Matthews Band
A0001,Everyday,3,Space Between,Dave Matthews Band
A0001,Everyday,4,Dreams Of Our Fathers,Dave Matthews Band
A0001,Everyday,5,So Right,Dave Matthews Band
A0001,Everyday,6,If I Had It All,Dave Matthews Band
A0001,Everyday,7,What You Are,Dave Matthews Band
A0001,Everyday,8,Angel,Dave Matthews Band
A0001,Everyday,9,Fool To Think,Dave Matthews Band
A0001,Everyday,10,Sleep To Dream Her,Dave Matthews Band
A0001,Everyday,11,Mother Father,Dave Matthews Band
A0001,Everyday,12,Everyday,Dave Matthews Band
A0002a,Woodstock 94 (Disc 1),1,Selling The Drama,Live
A0002a,Woodstock 94 (Disc 1),2,But Anyway,Blues Traveler
A0002a,Woodstock 94 (Disc 1),3,I'm The Only One,Melissa Etheridge
A0002a,Woodstock 94 (Disc 1),4,Feelin' Alright,Joe Cocker
A0002a,Woodstock 94 (Disc 1),5,(Stage Announcement),Woodstock 94
A0002a,Woodstock 94 (Disc 1),6,Dreams,Cranberries
A0002a,Woodstock 94 (Disc 1),7,Soup,Blind Melon
A0002a,Woodstock 94 (Disc 1),8,When I Come Around,Green Day
A0002a,Woodstock 94 (Disc 1),9,Shoop,Salt-N-Pepa
A0002a,Woodstock 94 (Disc 1),10,(Stage Announcement),Woodstock 94
A0002a,Woodstock 94 (Disc 1),11,Blood Sugar Sex Magik,Red Hot Chili Peppers
A0002a,Woodstock 94 (Disc 1),12,Porno For Pyros / Porno For Pyros,Porno For Pyros
A0002a,Woodstock 94 (Disc 1),13,Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers,Primus
A0002a,Woodstock 94 (Disc 1),14,Headed For Destruction,Jackyl
A0002a,Woodstock 94 (Disc 1),15,Draw The Line / F.I.N.E.,Aerosmith
A0002a,Woodstock 94 (Disc 1),16,(Stage Announcement),Woodstock 94
A0002a,Woodstock 94 (Disc 1),17,Happiness In Slavery,Nine Inch Nails
A0002b,Woodstock 94 (Disc 2),1,For Whom The Bell Tolls,Metallica
A0002b,Woodstock 94 (Disc 2),2,The Hunter,Paul Rodgers Featuring Slash Jason Bonham Neil S
A0002b,Woodstock 94 (Disc 2),3,Come Together,Neville Brothers
A0002b,Woodstock 94 (Disc 2),4,Run Baby Run,Sheryl Crow
A0002b,Woodstock 94 (Disc 2),5,Deja Vu,Crosby Stills & Nash
A0002b,Woodstock 94 (Disc 2),6,Dance M.F. Dance - Kiss Off,Violent Femmes
A0002b,Woodstock 94 (Disc 2),7,Shine,Collective Soul
A0002b,Woodstock 94 (Disc 2),8,Arrow,Candlebox
A0002b,Woodstock 94 (Disc 2),9,How I Could Just Kill A Man,Cypress Hill
A0002b,Woodstock 94 (Disc 2),10,Right Here Too Much,Rollins Band
A0002b,Woodstock 94 (Disc 2),11,Highway 61,Bob Dylan
A0002b,Woodstock 94 (Disc 2),12,Pearly Queen,Traffic
A0002b,Woodstock 94 (Disc 2),13,Biko,Peter Gabriel
A0003,Essential Eighties 1,1,Call Me,Blondie
A0003,Essential Eighties 1,2,Turning Japanese,Vapours
A0003,Essential Eighties 1,3,Bette Davis Eyes,Kim Carnes
A0003,Essential Eighties 1,4,Centerfold,J. Geils Band
A0003,Essential Eighties 1,5,Always Something There To Remind Me,Naked Eyes
A0003,Essential Eighties 1,6,Power Of Love,Huey Lewis & The News
A0003,Essential Eighties 1,7,Let's Go All The Way,Sly Fox
A0003,Essential Eighties 1,8,French Kissin' In The Usa,Deborah Harry
A0003,Essential Eighties 1,9,Don't Worry Be Happy,Bobby McFerrin
A0003,Essential Eighties 1,10,Down On The Border,Little River Band
A0003,Essential Eighties 1,11,Everywhere I Go,Qed
A0003,Essential Eighties 1,12,Love At First Sight,Kim Hart
A0003,Essential Eighties 1,13,Don't Forget Me (When I'm Gone),Glass Tiger
A0003,Essential Eighties 1,14,Man Overboard,Do-Re-Mi
A0003,Essential Eighties 1,15,Cry In Shame,Jonny Diesel & The Injectors
A0003,Essential Eighties 1,16,Somethings Gotton Hold Of My Heart,Marc Almond & Gene Pitney

Re: Import tag info (track titles) from .txt files?

Post by headgdhead »

I use a utility called Renamer to change the file names to the actual song titles on my Live recordings.

paf2013-06-09d1t03.flac to 03 Sunshine of Your Love

Then I run the MM 'Add/Rescan files to library' utility where it now creates a tag with the song title.

I also use a standard naming convention on the directory names 'Phil Lesh and Friends - 2013-06-09 Mountain Jam, Hunter Mtn Ski Area, NY' to create the Artist, Album and Year tags at the same time.

I manual tag the Genre, Art Work & Comments. Any ideas on how to get these to automatically generate through Add/Rescan would be a time saver.

Re: Import tag info (track titles) from .txt files?

Post by headgdhead »

I forgot to mention that I use the MM 'Auto tag from filename' utility to create the tags.
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Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2003 5:53 pm
Location: MediaMonkey 5

Re: Import tag info (track titles) from .txt files?

Post by Lowlander »

Scanning can tag from Filename when Infer File Properties is enabled under Tools > Options > Library. The auto-guess masks Infer File Properties uses are listed in the ini file. You could modify this and I'd assume it would do the trick.
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