Removing Under_Scores

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Removing Under_Scores

Post by llwb »

WRT Auto-tag from File Name - in the case where the file name is for example Track08.cda because the track is on a compilation audio CD - the Remove Underscores feature does not work for obvious reasons. Is there a way to remove the under-scores for those tracks burned in the early days before it became easy to "clean" file names and tags?

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Joined: Tue Apr 29, 2003 3:39 am
Location: Montreal, Canada

Cleaning underscores from filenames

Post by rusty »

llwb, I'm not sure I understand the question correctly, but if you're asking whether there's a way to easily change filenames in the library to correct for underscore (or capitalization errors), then no--it's not _yet_ possible. We hope to add this type of functionality in the future.


Re: Cleaning underscores from filenames

Post by Guest »

rusty wrote:llwb, I'm not sure I understand the question correctly, but if you're asking whether there's a way to easily change filenames in the library to correct for underscore (or capitalization errors), then no--it's not _yet_ possible. We hope to add this type of functionality in the future.

Thanks for the quick reply, Rusty. Yes that is basically what I was asking - there is the "Remove Underscore" feature in "Auto-tag from File Name" but this only works under specific conditions(as I tried to explain poorly I guess) IOW when there is a clean filename to work from(rather than Track08.cda). A way to easily correct Track Titles in the library for underscore (or capitalization errors) is exactly what I would need to make up for my ignorance or carelessness when starting my collection.

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