Dark Glided V1.0 - Help Finishing Please?

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Dark Glided V1.0 - Help Finishing Please?

Post by mdmb54 »

Hello fellow Media Monkey lovers,

I usually leave Media Monkey open all the time on my old monitor and I wanted something less distracting and less bright. I use Autodesk products and really like their dark themes so I thought I'd try adapting that type of flat/dark style to MediaMonkey. In the end I just want something easier on the eyes with the most optimized performance. ( From looking at the current themes it seems a lot of them have extra images for no reason like " themeimage.bmp " and are referencing blank spots on the image which seems uneccesary ) I do have some design experience from building websites and other graphic things but I don't have any experience in skinning programs so if i ask some dumb questions please keep in mind i'm a noob who needs help. Anyways below is a screenshot of what i've got so far (you might have to right-click view image since it's clipped by the forum board ):


Now, there are 7 problems I still have to deal with and can't figure out at the moment. I guess I'm hoping someone can point me to the right spot in the theme editor to make these changes.

1. I can't figure out how to control the text color of the song which is playing or the color of the selected song text. I fell like this should be able to be done since it defaults to bold but I seem to have missed it. The text is suppose to be orange with a dark gray background when you select it; however, currently it will only show a darker background if you select it and then only after you select an item in a different list such as the Now Playing or the Tree will it change to orange and dark grey.

2. I can't seem to get the background of the search box to change. I found the ComboBox item in the theme editor and i was able to skin the button but I can't get the background to change. I tried changing all the "color" elements of the ComboBox, Frame, and Client and none of them worked. I thought maybe I have to add a bitmap element but I don't know how to do that.

3. I would like to get rid of those black margins left over between the nav tree, track list, and now playing. I saw how nicely the Vitreous Blue skin is with handling the margins and would like space like that. I assume I have to edit some margins somewhere but I don't know if this can but done without messing up a lot of other elements. I might end up having to start from the Vitreous Blue base instead of Glided if no one can figure this out.

4. I have replaced the TreePlus.png, TreeMinus.png, NoAArt.png, and NoAArtNew.png however they don't have an effect. It's quite odd because Media Monkey accepts all the icons from the same Icons folder but regects the pngs. It seems MediaMonkey will only recognize my new png changes if I rezip the whole Theme folder back however then if i do that the TreeMinus, TreePlus, and NoAArt images work correctly but I lose EVERYTHING else i've done. I noticed this might be a glitch with how Media Monkey interprets skins from folder uncompressed. For instance if we take out all the error I may have done and look just at the Vitreous Blue skin which has also made similar changes, if you just unzip the skin and rename the folder then view that same exact skin just uncompressed in mediamonkey you lose the TreeMinus, TreePlus, and NoAArt pngs just from uncompressing. Also, is there a special method for recompressing a folder of theme.mskn files back to .msz other than just archiving the contents of your skin folder to .zip and remaming to .msz?

5. I can't figure out how to change the color of the default popup menu text, or the background color for the item you are hovered one. See the picture below for better visual:


I've tried changing all the Popupmenu styles from the "Font" page in the theme editor but none of them seem to have an effect. And for the blue background I didn't find any sort of blue bitmap element that could even be changed.

6. How to change the color of the text for the settings independently of the listitems. I got the tracklist to be a lighter grey so it shows up against the darker colors but now it seems to have changed the colors of other "listboxes" which are on white backgrounds. Example below:


7. How to change the color of the status bar text


Again, I hope these aren't dumb questions, I really don't know what I'm doing, just hours of trial and error. :( Let me know if you need better explanation or more pictures to help show you what I would like.


Re: Dark Glided V1.0 - Help Finishing Please?

Post by JonnyGe »

Mate this looks great. Have been waiting for a skin that looks half decent! This looks to be the first for me!

Wish I could help though

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Re: Dark Glided V1.0 - Help Finishing Please?

Post by DreadM »

I really don't know what I'm doing, just hours of trial and error.
Well,I think that's the way most skinners go at the beginning,me also and I'm still on it. :lol:

Defines the look of listboxes (e.g. the Scan Folders dialog, tracklist)
Item\ActiveBitmap - for selected item background
ItemAdv\ActiveBitmap - for unfocused selected text background
ItemAdv\ActiveFont - for unfocused control selected text font
ListBox colors and fonts:
Colors\ListBox\Body - used to set default background colour
Fonts\ListItemTextNormal - for normal text
Fonts\ListItemTextHot - for 'hot' text
Fonts\ListItemTextSelected - for selected text

Objects / Edit / Frame

This are the borders controlled by
Objects / Panel / Frame
used 2 or 3 pix

Treeplus and Treeminus have to be=. bmp
Main tree +/- icons can be replaced by bitmaps TreePlus.bmp and TreeMinus.bmp inside the skin package. As transparent color is used same color as in skin (007F007F). This feature is new to the 3.1 version.
NoAArt.png is included in the icon set for unknown art in Album Art window even though it isn't really an icon.
NoAArtNew.png is included in the icon set for unknown art in Album Art views even though it isn't really an icon.

Also in MM 3.1 Settings.ini file were added into skin package. This file can contains some specific settings on main tree (or any other controls). Only one setting is implemented for now.

[Tree] ShowLines=0/1 - Hide/Show dotted lines in main tree

5:PopUp Menu

for the background
Object / Listbox /Frame / Client

Fonts / StatusPanelText Normal

Most of this infos can be found on wiki Skinning Reference or here in the Artworkforum :wink:
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Re: Dark Glided V1.0 - Help Finishing Please?

Post by mdmb54 »

Well I have no idea what happened but I lost all my work on the skin. I just turned on the computer today and was going to try to make the changes with what DreadM suggested and it seems all the images I had added to my Theme.mskn through the theme editor and all the changed bitmap references have reverted back to the original glided somehow. I even tried restoring a deleted copy of the skin folder and still no luck so I'm really stumped at how this happened. The only changes that remained were the icons. I guess it will be a while before I get it back to the way I had it. I'm starting to think I need to reinstall media monkey. I had some problems with that MiniLyrics plugin thing which I could never get to embed and then it wouldn't uninstall properly so I think it may be messing something up.

Anyways, I had read the wiki page before I thought I'd tried most of those stuff but perhaps I've over looked it. Also, I did have the TreePlus and TreeMinus images as bmps ( i think I said pngs in the last message sorry for the confusion. It was the NoAArt and NoAArtNew which were pngs ) already and even tried resaving them and still no luck. I just used the whatever format the images were from the Vitreous Blue theme and resaved them as the same file format thinking that if that way worked for that theme then it should work for me but somehow it doesn't.

I appreciate the interest so far. Hopefully I can get back the lost work faster the second time around since I know a little more about what I'm doing now.

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Re: Dark Glided V1.0 - Help Finishing Please?

Post by mdmb54 »

Well, I'm still working to get back the lost work but I have some questions that might help speed up the process.

Is there a way to tell if an element is obtaining it's color from the color attribute of the font element or if it's referencing that color from something on the real font page like "MenuItemTextHot". I can't seem to remember how I got the "File, Edit, etc.." text to change color the first time. I've tried changing both the Menu related fonts on the fonts page and the colors of each font i could find in the MenuBar element. It seems a lot of them reference clWindowText which isn't even on the "System Colors" list so I don't know what that is.

Also, I can't get any of the ScrollBar elements to work this time. Originally I just clicked the Scrollbar element from I think the Blue Glass theme and copied then pasted it on the skin i'm building, renamed to ScrollBar, and then re mapped all the images and it worked fine but I repeated the process and this time it won't work. I also tried using the ScrollBar element from Vitreous Blue since it is seems to be built much better but that didn't work either.

Anyways, I'm probably gonna give up for today. I feel like there has to be a better way to skin this stuff. There should be a search feature and visual linking and consistency when people build these things. It just doesn't make any sense to me. :(

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Re: Dark Glided V1.0 - Help Finishing Please?

Post by Eyal »

mdmb54 wrote:I can't seem to remember how I got the "File, Edit, etc.." text to change color the first time.
Fonts \ ToolItemTextNormal
mdmb54 wrote:There should be a search feature and visual linking and consistency when people build these things. It just doesn't make any sense to me. :(
You're not alone. Welcome to the &%/"$@±!* world of MM skinning. :wink:
Skins for MediaMonkey: Cafe, Carbon, Helium, Spotify, Zekton. [ Wiki Zone ].
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