Autoplaylists update

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Autoplaylists update

Post by Moogoogon »

I have autoplaylists that are based on my songs' ratings (1 list for 5-star songs, 1 list for 4-stars, etc.). I also have a list for unrated songs so that I can just listen to those and rank them as I do so. Back in the bad days when I was using iTunes if I was listening on my PC via iTunes, changing a song's rating would immediately move it to the applicable playlist...meaning that if I changed an unrated song to 3-stars, it would immediately move to the 3-star list.

When I was listening to my unrated list on my iPod, if I were to rate a song and then reload the playlist (select a different playlist to listen to, then go back and start listening to the unrated list again) the newly rated song would be gone from the unrated list.

Question 1: Does MM have this "on-the-fly" updating feature when listening on my PC? Or do I need to rebuild an autoplaylist to have it recognize changes to tag attributes? If MM does do this, what am I missing that it's not happening?

Question 2: Can MM-created autoplaylists automatically update even when they're on my iPod?

I'd imagine that even if the answer to Question 1 is currently "no" that this feature would be on the wishlist. Question 2 seems to be stretching, but I wouldn't put it past you've made a great product, so anything's possible!

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Re: Autoplaylists update

Post by Oleggg »

same problem over here. just that my auto pl update on the got, as i listen to them on pc. but when listening to them on my ipod they dont. if i synch wit itunes -> no problem, but i hate itunes^^
any solution???
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Re: Autoplaylists update

Post by Peke »

Smart playlists from iPod are not updated into Mediamonkey as they are in different format.
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Re: Autoplaylists update

Post by benjaminnyc »

I kinda have the same question but there is something that I don’t understand.

First some background. I have MM 3 (I think) and created a number of Auto Playlists. I set up different ones, ex One that looks for > 4 stars and not played in the last 90 days. One that looks at new songs added that are rated > 4 and have played less than 5 times (after those should drop off). Also one, like above that grabs unrated songs, and once rated drop off.

OK I was using a iPod Nano 3G and things seemed to be working as I wanted them. Well I would connect the nano and it would sync and a box would pop up that asked it I wanted to remove the following X # of songs from my iPod. Perfect that looks like the ones that I rated, it must be syncing the ratings and such back to MM from my iPod.

I had to get a Nano 4G as a replacement and it seems like the 4G is not syncing as well as the 3G (I'm not sure if right). But I started to notice songs that I know I rated on the iPod coming up as unrated. It was strange b/c a few songs ratings were syncing over and a majority were not. I really could not find a pattern. Finally to complete my ratings what I would do is look at the device database playlist on the iPod in MM, take screenshots of the ratings I did that day and them go into the Playlist in MM and mark the same ratings. Any how I just finished rating ALL my entire library. It took a whole year. But during the last 3-4 months when I was using the 4G.

So my questions:

Do the nano 3G and 4G sync differently?

Per the response above are you saying that the Nano DOES NOT Sync ratings, recently played, etc back to MM? That's strange b/c that what I have been doing for months now, but recently having some inconsistent syncing with the 4G.

If there is a difference with the 4G is there something I need to do to fix the current inconsistent syncing I'm seeing?

Re: Autoplaylists update

Post by wanderingwhit »

Using Winamp 5x "Smart Playlists", they automatically "Smart Synch" with my portable device(s), and they update "on the fly" on my iPod (i.e., when I change a track rating from 5 stars to 4 stars on the iPod, it disappears from a smart playlist with criteria track rating = 5 stars). Why can't MediaMonkey do this? I'm a new user, and really want to like MM better than Winamp... but little stuff like this really cramps the convenience and usability I'm accustomed to with Winamp...

MM designers/engineers... please listen up; this is a major shortcoming w/r/t both iTunes and Winamp...

Thanks for hearing us!!!!
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Re: Autoplaylists update

Post by nduke »

This is probably my number one feature on my personal wishlist for MM. It's been in the Mantis bug list for a while but I guess it's not high on the list.

While we're on the subject, I'd also love to see support for folders in the playlists on ipods (also in Mantis at
Jimmie Foxx

Re: Autoplaylists update

Post by Jimmie Foxx »

Any further update on this? I'd switch to MM in a heartbeat if this were implemented.
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Re: Autoplaylists update

Post by Al4MM »

I just bought the Gold version presuming this would be a standard feature. When I couln't get it to work I search the forums and found this theead. Aaaahhh!
It's great to see it on the "to do" list and hopefully having been there for so long it will move up the priority list. I'm really enjoying MM but iTunes still remains a necesssity for me becuase of this missing feature.
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Re: Autoplaylists update

Post by nduke »

I ended up having to go back to iTunes over this and the other MM/iPod shortcomings. :evil: I REALLY miss my MM!

I do almost 100% of my music listening on my iPod. All day in a dock at work and also in my car. As much as I love the monkey it was too much or a PITA to stick with it.

I've been a gold owner for years so MM already has my money, I just hope to get to use it again! I keep monitoring the forums for iPod improvements. I'll hopefully be back when there are fewer hoops to jump through for better iPod integration.
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