Registering a jscript event handler

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Registering a jscript event handler

Post by refrancoeur »

I am using a script to build an html window to display in a large font the characteristics of the track that is currently playing. So far it works like a charm, but now I want to add a button that will hide or show the window. I am able to register an onclick event with the button element in webbrowser activex control, but when I click on the button I get the "Error executing script event." If I include an onclick event in the html, the click has no effect. But, get this, when I do both, the javascript on click handler is invoked normally, but then the registered event handler is called and results in the same "Error executing script event."

I have not been able to find a single example of registering a jscript handler for an event, and I suspect that therein lies the problem. I have a similar problem associating hot keys with jscript scripts: I can make the association, but when I press the hot key the system assumes the script being invoked is in vb and then fails with a vb error message. (BTW, the script works perfectly when invoked from the tools menu.) I have a very important reason for using jscript, and I have written many scripts that work flawlessly. It seems that jscript works consistently within the MS scripting environment, but MM sometimes gets confused as to which is which. Has anyone else experienced such behavior, and has anyone suggestions as to how I can get around it?

Dick Francoeur
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Re: Registering a jscript event handler

Post by Peke »

Have you tried to create New ActiveX Within MediaMonkey? Can you give us Script example so that we can look at it and see what has gone wrong?
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Re: Registering a jscript event handler

Post by raybeau528 »

I usually get that error with vbscript if I forget to include the 'arg' in the event sub.

Sub event_OnClick(arg)

End Sub
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Re: Registering a jscript event handler

Post by refrancoeur »

I have extracted the minimum code necessary to demonstrate what seems to be happening. Here it is:

Code: Select all

function HTMLWindow(html){
		this.form = SDB.UI.newForm;
			formPosition = (ScreenCenter=4);
			borderStyle = (DialogBorder=3);
			caption = "Tester";
				visible = false;
				stayOnTop = false;
		this.webBrowser = SDB.UI.newActiveX(form,"Shell.Explorer");
			this.document = interf.document;
				visible = true;
				anchors = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8;
	this.showModal = function(){
	} = function(){
			visible = true;
			stayOnTop = true;

function modalMsg(msg){
	new HTMLWindow("<html><body>"+msg+"</body></html>").showModal();

function clicker(event){

function tester(){

//(1)The following works:

	var window = SDB.Objects("Tester") = new HTMLWindow(
		"<html><body><button id=button onclick='alert(\"Internal\");'>Test</button></body></html>"

	var button = window.document.getElementById("button");;
//(2)The following does NOT work (nothing happens):

	var window = SDB.Objects("Tester") = new HTMLWindow(
		"<html><body><button id=button>Test</button></body></html>"

	var button = window.document.getElementById("button");

	button.onclick = clicker;;
//(3)The following does NOT work ("Error executing script event"):

	var window = SDB.Objects("Tester") = new HTMLWindow(
		"<html><body><button id=button>Test</button></body></html>"

	var button = window.document.getElementById("button");

//(4)The following works partially:
//button.onclick works, but registered event fails with "Error executing script event"

	var window = SDB.Objects("Tester") = new HTMLWindow(
		"<html><body><button id=button>Test</button></body></html>"

	var button = window.document.getElementById("button");

	button.onclick = clicker;//WORKS!!

I am particularly interested in getting versions 2 or 3 to work. Since version 4 incorporates both versions 2 and 3, and the version 2 portion seems to work, it appears that version 2 should be able to work on its own.

Dick Francoeur
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Re: Registering a jscript event handler

Post by raybeau528 »

ok, I don't know jscript, but does this evaluate to a boolean test rather than assignment?

Code: Select all

   var window = SDB.Objects("Tester") = new HTMLWindow
a = (b = c) : a is true/false depending on b and c.

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Re: Registering a jscript event handler

Post by refrancoeur »


This is javascript not vbscript. The assignment operation = is strictly that -- assignment. The logical equality test is == as in java and c++. VB is riddled with such ambiguities (viz. the symbol ":"). Javascript also allows multiple assignments in one statement: a=b=c...=z results in everything equaling z. In vb this statement would be difficult at best to parse.

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Re: Registering a jscript event handler

Post by raybeau528 »

Thanks for the explanation.

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Re: Registering a jscript event handler

Post by refrancoeur »

By experimentation, I have found the following:
  • It is possible to register an event for a DOM element by assigning it a js function as an "on" event (e.g. element.onclick=function(){...}).
    The event however is ineffective unless the Script.registerEvent is also called for any event on the element (e.g. Script.registerEvent(element,"oncut",function(event){});) The events need not (indeed should not [see below]) be the same. Apparently the webserver object needs to know that at least one event has been registered for the element, and the registerEvent accomplishes this.
    Unfortunately, the registerEvent does not seem to work properly for jscript handlers and results in an "error executing event .."
    Since the events need not be the same, I have temporarily circumvented the problem by calling the registerEvent for an event that is unused (at least for now), and the element.onclick handler does indeed get invoked normally.
The above is clearly not an acceptable long-term solution. The registerEvent method of the Script object should be modified to interface properly with jscript functions. I suspect that the same interfacing problem occurs for hot keys assigned to jscript scripts which also fail with vbscript error messages.

I would like to request that the registerEvent method of the Script object be so modified.

Best regards,
Dick Francoeur
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Re: Registering a jscript event handler

Post by jiri »

The problem in your code is that you pass function as a reference, instead of just its name, i.e. the correct code is:


It works fine then (just tested).

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Re: Registering a jscript event handler

Post by refrancoeur »


You're a wiz -- that's exactly the problem. It does however create another issue in jscript. The script I'm building requires that the event handlers be anonymous, which is perfectly valid in ECMA script (jscript, javascript). Using registerEvent apparently requires a named script as a handler. In coding terms, the following is needed:

Code: Select all

var button = window.document.getElementById("button");
button["onclick"] = function(event){...}; 
All of this is valid and useful jscript. Since the handler has no name, however, it cannot be referred to in the call to registerEvent, and if it is not, it will not be invoked.

On the other hand, your solution has given me a simple and valid approach to getting around this. Since the assigned and the registered handlers do not have to be the same, I define an empty function with a name and use it in the registerEvent call as follows:

Code: Select all

function _NOP_(event){}
var button = window.document.getElementById("button");
button["onclick"] = function(event){...}; 
Works like a charm.

Though this gets me off the hook for now, it is probably not the best long term solution since it does add some overhead. A better approach might be to allow a call to registerEvent with perhaps a null handler whose only purpose would be to register the element as having other handlers.

Thanks a million for helping me out with this -- you gave me exactly what I needed.

Best regards,
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