Minimized state of internal player, HD serial # issue

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Minimized state of internal player, HD serial # issue

Post by Captive »

First of all, a minor cosmetic request; I would like the internal player to be able to remember it's minimized state.

I scanned 3 hard drives for mp3's. When it finished, the ones on D: and E: were listed as drive C:\

All 3 drives were shown as [Network]. After some head scratching, I realized why. My hard-drive serial's were all 0000-0000.

I used a program called VolumeID from to make their ID's different, rebooted, rescanned with songs-db... all better!

When I first installed songs-db, one of the toolbar's showed me the name/title of the currently playing song. I can't see that now, and can only seem to see it when I use an external player. Is there a way to bring that back, and use it for the internal player?
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Joined: Tue Apr 29, 2003 3:39 am
Location: Montreal, Canada

Minimized internal player & currently playing song statu

Post by rusty »

re. remembering the state of the internal player: I assume that you're using Songs-DB 1.3. MediaMonkey 2.0 RC-2 (from the beta forum) does not have this bug--give it a try.

re. the toolbar that showed the name/title of the currently playing track--that's a bug in Songs-DB 1.3. MediaMonkey 2.0 only supports this feature when using WinAmp as the player. That said, I agree with your suggestion, and will add this to the to do list.

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