About Songs-DB 1.4 Beta

Beta Testing for Windows Products and plugins

Moderator: Gurus

Posts: 8486
Joined: Tue Apr 29, 2003 3:39 am
Location: Montreal, Canada

About Songs-DB 1.4 Beta

Post by rusty »

Welcome to the Songs-DB 1.4 Beta Forum, and thanks for your interest in testing the new beta.

Songs-DB 1.4 Beta contains over 200 bugfixes, but may contain a number of bugs, some of which have not yet been discovered. The beta is being provided for feedback and testing purposes, and is recommended for use only by advanced users who regularly test pre-release software. If you plan on testing the beta, take precautions to backup your data to protect against any data loss during installation or usage.

More Information
What's New: http://www.songs-db.com/beta/whatsnew.txt
Release Notes: http://www.songs-db.com/beta/readme.txt
Documentation: http://www.songs-db.com/beta/Songs-DB.chm

Songs-DB Beta: http://www.songs-db.com/beta/Songs-DB_1 ... ew_500.exe
Note: This beta is now out-of-date

1) If you have a previous version of Songs-DB Gold installed, do NOT uninstall it--otherwise you may have problems accessing your cached files. If you aren't using the Virtual CD, you can safely uninstall your previous version of Songs-DB before installing the new one.
2) Double-click the downloaded file to install it.