Feature Request: Shareable Database between OSX and Windows

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Feature Request: Shareable Database between OSX and Windows

Post by tarasis »

I accept that this is a totally a pie in the sky idea and would be useful to very few; essentially those of us who dual boot Windows and Mac OSX. (Be it Hackintosh, Bootcamp)

Basically, I have a Drobo with all of my music on it, and access it from both Windows and OSX (its formatted HFS+ and I'm using Paragon's drivers to make it visible in Windows). It would be fabulous to somehow share the database between the two OS's so that playcount and meta information is completely consistent, and the only thing that is different is the mapping to the file location.
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Re: Feature Request: Shareable Database between OSX and Wind

Post by Peke »

when there is MM version for OSX I'm guessing that you should be able to share library. At least at some point.
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