web interface for mediamonkey

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web interface for mediamonkey

Post by stef »

i'have been searching around software that allow me to do this:
i have a "server" connected to my stereo
I want the client in my lan to be able to play music form the server therefore from the stero
Meaning that any user must be able to launch a media and this media will be executed in the stereo.Also if more usr would launch different media they would be queued in the server and played sequenceally

I was using windows media player with a web browser based server/client software, playerpal...that would let me do this, managing the qued and the entire catalogue stored in the mediaplayer list of the serevr!

Now i have found mediamonkey..and i'm letterally falled in love with this software
So i'm trying to see if there is an addon that would let me do the same i used with wmediaplayer.
Is there any software server/client web based (or by different way..) that woul let me do this with media monkey?

Thanks a lot!
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Re: web interface for mediamonkey

Post by Lowlander »

You could check out Wawi and there is a ipod/iPhone application to remote control MediaMonkey as well. Not sure if there are any other solutions available.

Re: web interface for mediamonkey

Post by stef »

I have read that wavi will only let's you control a part of the catalogue!
is that true?
I don't just want to start,stop and play the player
I want to be able to browse the entire collection of media and play them, from remote...
ipod/iphone application will not run on a pc windows based..i fear...!

Re: web interface for mediamonkey

Post by stef »

Ok installed wavi
I'have noticed that i can only "browse" the directory
What i want is to browse a catalogue, that means browsing ,or ordering the collection by "album", or by "artist"..ecc
If the library is very big, i find it too complicated browinsg by folder and files...!!

Re: web interface for mediamonkey

Post by Guest »

Wawi will become more powerful over time

until then, you could use Remote Desktop (part of Windows) to get full control of the server, and control MediaMonkey (and everything else) directly
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Re: web interface for mediamonkey

Post by pushpull »

You can use tightvnc for this as well. This will allow the person to remotely view the server's "screen". They will then be able to cue up a song in MM. It will be as if the server's desktop is at the persons computer.

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Joined: Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:14 am

Re: web interface for mediamonkey

Post by Pako »

For control MediaMonkey through the web interface you can easily use EventGhost. EventGhost contains a web server, through which you can trigger events, which control the Eventghost (MM plugin). If you are interested, I can do simple instructions.
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