[REQ] # of values in match criteria

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[REQ] # of values in match criteria

Post by thomasfgoodwin »

I would like to be able to filter by number of values when selecting match criteria for auto-playlists, for supported multi-value fields.

For example,
Match all of the following criteria:
Album Artist # of values is greater than 1

Match all of the following criteria:
# of Genres is not 1

I think the workaround for something like this would be having auto-playlists set up for each genre that feed auto-playlists for each combination of genres. Possible but very cumbersome. An alternative that would work, at least for my purposes, would be adding Files to Edit nodes that do this rather than exposing the functionality in the search criteria editor. If you had nodes for say, Multiple Genres, Multiple Artists, and Multiple Album Artists, I think that would cover most use cases. That wouldn't really fit the name of "Files to Edit", but is similar in functionality to what those nodes provide.

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Re: [REQ] # of values in match criteria

Post by Ludek »

Match all of the following criteria:
Album Artist # of values is greater than 1
You can use this:
Album Artist contains ;

https://www.dropbox.com/s/iwwuywaso4pk4 ... 9.png?dl=0

Match all of the following criteria:
# of Genres is not 1
Genre does not contain ;
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