Simplified Sync Behaviour [REQUEST]

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Simplified Sync Behaviour [REQUEST]

Post by wassadude »

Hey there - so first of all thanks to the team with your work - I finally got enough money to sort out a MM Gold account - and thought - maybe doing that will help in my quest to finally sort my library.

So I am hoping that I can explain this well enough.

I have two areas that i have my files (actually 3 but we will get to that)

1) The NAS - this is the master and holds the library
2) My phone - this is the day-to-day consumption. This is a Samsung Note 10 btw and can play anything I throw at it.

The problem I am having is getting all content I choose to go from NAS (1) to Phone (2)

MM comes up with an error of such

"File is not supported by the device"

So my initial thought - well I need to tell MM that my phone CAN actually do it - and so found the sync options and the 'Supported formats' under the Device and Services. so I clicked on extension containers - and even tried ALL of them - and it was starting to dawn on me - but perhaps the Error message is misleading.

So as a test - I also set up a Folder Sync and then I could send to there - this was another share on the NAS and so there was no player at all - it just was storage space.

Same error - so if I have this right the error 'File is not supported by the device:' actually means 'Media Monkey cannot read this file and so cannot figure out if it needs converting or not'

Double clicking on the file in MM confirms this - it cannot play.

I am kinda miffed at this - as I spent money just trying it to get to copy.

However - I hear you say - well why not just use the copy to command on the right click?

Well I tried (and tried) but all it does is a copy - it does not use the MM shining light of being able to rename the file or file it in folders based on criteria for Media Type.


What I am asking is - can you please please please add some sort of flag (tickbox) in the screen for a Device that can turn the auto convert on or off - so that MM does not even look at the internals of a file to see if it can convert it (as when it does it now it stops the copy process)

I would just like to transfer my content to a device (or storage location which I can sync with other means) and not have any worries about the actual content type. I just want an intelligent copy for the location that is all.

I have seen lots of people on the net asking why things will not copy - but all it comes down to is if you had an option to just copy and not reformatting -this would have saved alot of heartache for people in the past or going forward.

Oh and also to head off the questions that people will ask

1/ Why don't you just copy it manually? A: As I said I would like a more intelligent process - as I have more of a nested directory structure on my NAS (e.g. Author/Series/Book/Chapters) but on the device I choose to have a much flatter structure (e.g. Author - Book # - Chapter.mp3 ) that way I can see what I would like to play without going in and out of folders. Plus I just paid over $100 for the use of this - and all I want to do is copy a file - and all I am asking for a 'if (not) ticked then just copy it'.

2/ Why not convert the files to be able to sync them? A: I could - but I do not need to - my phone can play it - it is just that MM is trying to be too smart - and with a new codec for any media (If I have this right) MM cannot do any synching with it as it stops as it cannot figure out what to do with it.

3/ Why not use the Auto-Organise (CTRL-R) to intelligently copy to your Storage location. A: I could but then I would have a ton of rules - one lot for NAS and one lot for Portable Storage. Plus I would have to remember to use Copy/ Move toggles in the Auto-Organise screen. At the moment the default for me is to Move and delete empty directories - so I could make a real hash of things. An intelligent 'send to ' is the perfect solution

OK well I guess I have had my rant/request.

I have enjoyed my use of MM - and will continue to do so - perhaps my going Gold could be a contribution to getting the following sorted???

1/ Please use different wording so the error 'File is not supported by the device:' can say whether the device or media monkey cannot read it.

2/ A simple toggle - whether I (the user) would like to have MM change the format / transcode the file for me or NOT (Meaning it just copies it blindly) via a tickbox (or whatever)

Thank you
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Re: Simplified Sync Behaviour [REQUEST]

Post by Lowlander »

If you disable the Auto-conversion rules in the Device Profile there won't be any happening.
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Re: Simplified Sync Behaviour [REQUEST]

Post by wassadude »

thank you for the reply - but the Auto-Conversion rules for both my Phone and also my NAS Location (Under Storage and Services) both have ALL the Auto-Conversion rules turned off.

I have also just tried to turn off the rules for media sharing (as your link below showed they were on by default)

I get the same behaviour - I still get the message this is the file from the 'Save' button

File is not supported by the device: M:\Videos\TV\Fallout\Season 01\Blah Blah Blah.mkv

The M Drive in this case is my Original that I am transferring from.

So what am I doing wrong - as it simply seems to want to interact with the original in some way. All I want is it to copy using the rules of filing that MM does really well

Again thanks for the reply
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Re: Simplified Sync Behaviour [REQUEST]

Post by Lowlander »

What about removing all Support Formats?

Unfortunately with video files, the extension is just one part of the equation. Within the file there will be a video codec and and audio codec (both need to be supported), and within those there are other specifics that may be unsupported (or need to be set to supported in Supported Formats).
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Re: Simplified Sync Behaviour [REQUEST]

Post by Peke »

Note that there is also part that even some files are supported locally they will not be supported over DLNA/UPnP.

What you can try to is to copy manually one of files throwing the error to phone and try to play it. If it plays then I would suggest that you open support ticket, supply us DL link to file (Google drive/DropBox/One Drive/....) so that we can analyze format and see why it is not supported and what devices do not support it (if we find one). Additionally we can go into bit more details.

Thank you for support. Hope we can get this sorted out soon.
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Re: Simplified Sync Behaviour [REQUEST]

Post by wassadude »

Hello once again - so I have deleted all the rules (as suggested) and same behaviour.

So here is a different tact. I have found a public domain file that gives the same problem ... fps-4320p/

This is 22secs long - so not too big.

If I bring that into MM it ingests fine - and if I double clink on it (with external player set to on) it plays
But then trying to send to a device (my phone) or to a Network Storage (My NAS) it gives me the same error as I have been showing.

My current theory is that somehow even with the rules turned off MM still looks into the file and just stops when it cannot figure out what is inside it.

I know this is a big ask - but is there a way you can try this with the same file above?

Thanks for your help on this
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Re: Simplified Sync Behaviour [REQUEST]

Post by wassadude »

If the size also is a red-herring - here is a 1080p sample file that does it ... ac-sample/

I thought it might be the HEVC - but an MP4 played. However a MKV version of this file (linked above) produces the same error as i have been describing

Hope that helps
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