DLNA Server Access Control Broken

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DLNA Server Access Control Broken

Post by TheMartyJoy »

Hello Devs,

This would be hard to replicate and I'm not on the latest beta; however, I had something odd happen today and I wanted to share.

I use the DLNA of MediaMonkey for adult content, that being said I also have it set to not share with new devices by default. This means I normally have to open mediamonkey and allow anything new that tries to connect. Up until today it always worked as intended, what happened today is that I happened to have a new iPhone (one that was setup by copying my old iPhone), it does not have the same MAC Address as the old phone, it did however manage to connect to the server and pull down the content and even load a file... I opened media monkey and sure enough it was listed as not having access. I did a small double take and decided to change the default shared content to nothing for the time being, I can always manually allow content to devices.

I'm not sure if there is an actual log file I could sanitize to send over, I can easily share a copy of the log in the server window in settings but I don't think it's that detailed. I did not change the phones access at all in miidamonkey never clicked the allow box and when I closed and reopened the app on the phone I it gave access denied like it was suppose to; just makes no sense it would allow access to a mac that isn't on the allow list.
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Re: DLNA Server Access Control Broken

Post by Lowlander »

If you can reproduce, please capture this in a debug log (step 4b) and attach the log to a Support Ticket: viewtopic.php?t=86643

However this likely was a one off and thus probably not reproducible.
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