Layout is hard to adapt to MM4

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Layout is hard to adapt to MM4

Post by guapo »

Hi all, title says it all. I´ve been working with MM for well over 10y, so needless to say I got pretty involved with MM and helped also translating MM5 to german.
In MM4 I used to have a media tree on the left, the currently active playlist on the top half of the screen, and the playing list filling more than half of the bottom screen. I love MM for focusing on a playing list rather than the silly playlist-wise audio playback.
Things have changed in MM5. a lot. even though elements in the view->layout window can be changed, its just a joke. Most of the elements cannot be moved to where you might want them, apart from the left and panel (and the player moves from top to bottom panel). The point is that if you got long lists with a lot of columns, you have to organize them split horizontally. Am I missing something here?

edit: so you can put the media tree and the album cover on the left panel. then in the main panel enable the column filter and underneath the selected playlist. IF you add under "view elements" apart from the column filter and lists (playlists) another element, playing, one would be able to get the playing list underneath and just disable the right panel.

edit2: so, some playlists wont sync back from the device, so I tried to manually put them together via search. Here, when searching, the playlist that was in the middle panel vanishes and you cannot anylonger drag-and-drop it since the playlist view was replaced with the search field. Only if you "send it to the playlist" via right mouse click, the playlist pops up magically righthand of the search field. there is no border between them, its just all dark grey and its impossible to work efficiently with playlists like this. you really need to change that layout...
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Re: Layout is hard to adapt to MM4

Post by Lowlander »

Yes, there is a limit to where windows can be positioned:

You do have the Playing node that can be used instead of using the Playing window in the side panel.
Posts: 28
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:14 pm

Re: Layout is hard to adapt to MM4

Post by guapo »

ok, thanks for the fast reply. Im glad that Im not the only one with that issue. So I hope there will be a way to organize the main panel, the way it looks currently in the layout, these side panels are worth to put in elements that you temporally need, like lyrics, but then again, there is not too much to select in the layout options.
Having them horizontally split allows for drag and drop from a node into the playing list, something I need while DJing.
The horizontal sep also helps orienting, since, as I said, if the list is shorter than the window height, the scroll bar on the right hand side is not there, and the two lists just go from one into the other without a space/border.
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