Portable artwork thumbs folder question [#17614]

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Portable artwork thumbs folder question [#17614]

Post by tbm72 »

I store my artwork within the file itself but in the portable/temp/thumbs folder I've currently got about 800MB of jpg thumbnails. I guess they're there to speed up showing artwork but a couple of questions:

1) Is it possible to disable this feature of caching temp artwork?
2) Do they ever get cleaned out automatically by MM5 otherwise presumably they would stay there forever and get bigger if not removed manually?

I know it's not a huge amount but my system SSD isn't massive and I try and keep it fairly trimmed down so my monthly backups don't take too long.
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Re: Portable artwork thumbs folder question

Post by Peke »

Unfortunately on both questions answer is NO, but MM do replacement of cached files and clean those not needed while you use MM.

Anyway I added https://www.ventismedia.com/mantis/view.php?id=17614 so that such feature can be added in future versions.
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