Earliest Release Date v4.5.1 (2018-08-15)

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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.4.0 (2016-02-19)

Post by M.Moeritz »

It is clear that I do not have the Internet Explorer on my system. Since this will surely be the case with many others in the future because Edge will replace the Iexplorer, it should not be a problem to write the plugin so that the standard browser is taken and not explicitly the iexplorer. Or am I wrong?
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.4.0 (2016-02-19)

Post by Lowlander »

No, this comes from MediaMonkey and it uses a core Windows component. IE is still part of Windows 10. As MediaMonkey becomes less platform dependent I presume that internet access will also be done by MediaMonkey instead of relying in a Windows component.
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.4.0 (2016-02-19)

Post by cryptus939 »

This plugin doesn't work for me at all now. Every time I run it on a song it returns the error, "Error #9 - Microsoft VBScript runtime error | Subscript out of range: ' UBound' | File: "C:\Users\<name>\Appdata\Mediamonkey\Roaming\Scripts\Auto\EarliestDate.vbs", Line: 1522, Column: 1". It's a shame, as this saved me an awful lot of time when I did the initial run through on my library and has proven useful since.
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.4.0 (2016-02-19)

Post by Peke »

Lowlander wrote:As MediaMonkey becomes less platform dependent I presume that internet access will also be done by MediaMonkey instead of relying in a Windows component.
To confirm MM5 uses Chromium engine.
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.4.0 (2016-02-19)

Post by M.Moeritz »

Is the extension already for MM5? Or is there another way to automatically determine the date?
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.4.0 (2016-02-19)

Post by Robb »

Dear wxdude,
I just realised I've been using MediaMonkey for over 14 years and when WMP moved to version 12 I ditched it all together and have been dedicated to MediaMonkey ever since.

Earliest Release Date has always been an integral part of my MM setup and as its free I've taken it for granted and never thanked anyone involved in the development and maintenance of the plug-in.

Before most people even knew what metadata was I learned how to rip and tag my music, I remember my first hard-drive was 74gb.. 74!! at the time I ripped all my CDs at 190kbps, when the norm was 128 and tagged artist, track, genre and of course date. Date was so important to me, my memories are tied to music throughout my life and the date of the tracks are anchor points for me to remember when and where I was in my life.
I use to have to google each track individually and then try and find a link with a release date. Earliest Release was a gift from heaven, it was almost like witch craft, to tag 110 tracks at once and come back with not only the year but sometimes the month and day as well was genius.

I have to thank you on behalf of all the obsessive audio-files like myself for keeping this project going for so long and for no financial gain, if there's some way I could send you some money so you can at least have a beer or coffee and doughnut on me then please let me know how to as I am so grateful for the work you have done.

I note Discogs is limiting the amount of searches you can carry out in a certain time period now (probably because Earliest Date worked so well, I can imagine all the queries acting like a DDoS attack) would it be possible to stagger the queries so as to conform with Discogs new policy?

Once again thanks for all your hard work maintaining this project! -Robb
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.4.0 (2016-02-19)

Post by wxdude »

Thanks for the kind words.
Discogs does limit the number of API requests. The script limited the requests to 3/second but Discogs changed the limit shortly after I implemented that rate to 60/minute for authorized requests and 25/minute for unauthorized requests. As MM5 was in alpha I had not bothered to update this script, just let Discogs throttle you, and thought I'd update for MM5.

I haven't even started working on a MM5 version, but, I did start working on using the DiscogsAuth flow instead of oAuth for authentication, and will release this update to the script for MM4.

Going forward only DiscogsAuth will be supported for the Earliest Release Date script. This will be true for MM5 if I ever do update the script for that version. Also at some point in the future I will discontinue the PHP server that processes the oAuth requests presently.

For DiscogsAuth to work you must get a personal access token from Discogs.

Login to Discogs and go to "Settings" --> "Developer" --> copy the personal access token and paste into the Earliest Date Options page "Personal Access Token" edit box. If there is no token present, generate one.

Using your personal access token will provide you with the 60 requests/minute rate on Discogs.

Download from http://earliestrelease.com/ERDVersions/ ... 0.235.mmip or use Tools -- Extensions -- Find Updates

Whats New:
  1. Add Support for DiscogsAuth
  2. Use response headers from API results to throttle connections. This should be future proof if the API limits change again. Script runs at full speed until only 5 API requests remain. At that point the API requests will start to slow down but the script will continue to run.
  3. Add support for debug logs. Default is off
  4. Move discogs clear keys buttons to options page
  5. other bug fixes
To Do:
  1. Develop MM5 Version
  2. Current Discogs search query with the 'Track' parameter fails with track names with unicode characters and/or some punctuation marks (exclamation mark for example). This is a Discogs API bug. If some searches fail due to this bug, switch to MusicBrainz for those tracks.
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.5.1 (2018-08-15)

Post by wxdude »

Well maybe version 4.5.0 wasn't ready for prime time.....

Another update ready for install now that fixes a few bugs, some new some old.
  • fix bug that could result in the script waiting for a very long time to proceed with searches if the user switched from MB to Discogs. There was no way to end the script either which made it worse.
  • fix long standing bug where, if a user made a new selection while the script was running, the dates would be added/changed on the new selection incorrectly (I'm surprised no-one noticed before, or else every one's work flow is the same as mine!)
  • API throttling was too aggressive resulting in long waits, so made a small tweak
  • Fixed an error if Discogs returned an invalid master release

Download from http://www.earliestrelease.com/ERDVersi ... 1.236.mmip or use Tools -- Extensions -- Find Updates
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.5.1 (2018-08-15)

Post by karl10247 »

just an FYI..... your exclude text from within brackets option doesnt work. Even with the option enabled it still searches the full title

Re: Earliest Release Date v4.5.1 (2018-08-15)

Post by srnm »


Such an awesome script, but for me, Discogs only founds tags for a very few tracks. At most songs it gives me an error.

Error #13 - Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Mismatch: CDbl

this error occurs in the /Scripts/Auto/EarliestDate.vbs file and at the line of 2561 and column of 4.

Latest script and MM. Should I update something? I really appreciate your work.
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.5.1 (2018-08-15)

Post by MPG »

I am continually receiving an error when attempting to get the date with Discogs:
The data necessary to complete this operation is not yet available.
Line 940
If XML.readyState = 4 And XML.Status = 200 Then

I suspect it is due to the Discogs search limitations. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Triumph - Hold On: Music holds the secret, to know it can make you whole.
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