Looking for Big Bottoms

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Looking for Big Bottoms

Post by akrontriviator »

SHORT VERSION: - are there any skins with much larger buttons and volume sliders?

Longer version, with special snowflake details:

Hi, longtime MM user, first time poster.

I DJ trivia in various bars, and I had been using both itunes and MM.
I had a ton of stuff in itunes before I found MM, and inherited a ton of older songs and playlists from another DJ - it was too much of a pain to untangle it all.

I just got a new laptop, and was able to start fresh with JUST MM - no itunes at all (HOORAY!)
Deduping and purging the collection was a breeze.
(Seriously wishing I had just taken the @#$&! time 4 years ago.)

It's working great, except the laptop is tiny - an 11' screen.

I know how to increase the font size, so everything is legible.

The only issue is the actual player buttons and volume slider on the bottom of the screen.
They are WAY too small.

I have not experimented too much with the skins, but most of the ones I have looked at run into the same issue.

Can anyone recommend a skin that's fairly standard up top, but with a larger set of buttons/sliders on the player portion on the bottom?

I appreciate it.
Thank you.
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Re: Looking for Big Bottoms

Post by Peke »

I think That you would be satisfied with one Hybrid Skin that have Mini Player With BIG BIG buttons and normal MMW ui as is.

Skinners? HELP needed!!!
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Re: Looking for Big Bottoms

Post by GeraldB »

I like big bottoms also. A skin with big buttons would be very helpful to us elderly music lovers with poor eyesight.
The developer could put in for a Government grant for improving accessibility (joke).
Can't afford a signature.
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