iPhone crashes during large sync with build

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iPhone crashes during large sync with build

Post by msherman »

I tried syncing 2044 songs last night with the new RC build, and my iPhone crashed again.

When I woke up this morning, my phone had rebooted, and MM was showing a dialog that there was a problem transferring a file to the iphone (it was an auto-converted file with a generated name). The phone shows 808 songs transferred, out of the 2044 attempted.

Note that it's not the same track causing the crash each time this happens, it appears to be random.

Its an iPhone 6 running iOS 8.3. My collection is primarily FLAC files; I autoconvert to m4a using the codec pack.

Is there anything special that I can collect to help you track down this bug? Unfortunately because it appears to take a very large sync to replicate this bug, I can only try again over night.
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Re: iPhone crashes during large sync with build

Post by Ludek »

Could you please generate debug log, (item 4b here: http://www.mediamonkey.com/forum/viewto ... ?f=6&t=341) and post it to eSupport by opening new ticket ( http://www.mediamonkey.com/support/inde ... ets/Submit ) and attaching the zipped debug log. Write the ticket ID here please.

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Re: iPhone crashes during large sync with build

Post by msherman »

Sorry, I wasn't able to get this done last night. I'll do it tonight and post the results tomorrow morning.
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Re: iPhone crashes during large sync with build

Post by msherman »

Ticket ID: #BJS-458-67430

The sync is in progress now. It's going _very_ slowly and seems to hang on certain songs for quite a long time (10 min or more). At first I thought it was in an infinite loop, but while posting that ticket, it did move on to the next song, so it's just incredibly slow, not hung.

I'll follow up with a status update in the morning.
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Re: iPhone crashes during large sync with build

Post by msherman »

[added to the ticket and also the thread]

Over night the iphone crashed and rebooted, and MM av'd.

I sent the crash report with a ref to this ticket and the forum thread in the description.

Attached to the ticket are a screenshot of the MM "sync failed" dialog, and the debug log (the continuation of the log from last night, which was started after the sync had already begun and was behaving slowly).

Strange wrinkle this time -- despite the fact that when I checked it last night MM said it had already finished uploading 58 songs and was still going, this morning after the crash the iphone is saying it has 0 songs on it.

One other noticeable behaviour change is that in the error dialog I sent, in last nights test it's showing the original names of the converted songs it failed on, decorated with 4 hex digits at the front and back. In the first test from two days ago (with the non-dgb version of the previous build), the file names were just shortened garbage.

Tonight I'll reset the phone and try another sync with DbgView launched before MM, sorry I didn't do that last night.
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Re: iPhone crashes during large sync with build

Post by msherman »

Mentioned in the ticket already, but forgot to add it to the thread: last night's test was done with the debug version of 1746.
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Re: iPhone crashes during large sync with build

Post by msherman »

Last night I restored the phone from a backup, and attempted another 2044 song sync, with DbgView running before MM was launched.

Overnight the phone restarted and MM AV'd again. AV report sent with refs to this ticket and the thread, and the full debug log is attached.

769 songs (out of 2044) were sync'd to the phone before it crashed.
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Re: iPhone crashes during large sync with build

Post by Ludek »

I have just analyzed the log.

I see in the log that the iPhone was unexpectedly disconnected after 2 hours and 12 minutes of syncing.
Hard to guess why the Phone was disconnected/rebooted, could it be a battery drain issue?

Nevertheless the sync is so slow because of your convert settings FLAC -> M4A, you could modify the settings to speed up the conversion or pre-convert the files somewhere and then sync the M4A copies directly.

Re the issue that MM wants to re-sync everything after such a device roboot in the middle of sync, this is caused by the fact that on the end of sync MM uploads updated iTunesCDB file with the new device content (iTunes and MM reads the content from there), but if the iPhone was unexpectedly rebooted or disconnected then it fails, I am tracking the issue as http://www.ventismedia.com/mantis/view.php?id=12750


EDIT: The unexpected disconnect/reboot is being solved further via the ticket (I sent updated DLL there)

EDIT2: The potentional AV is fixed as http://www.ventismedia.com/mantis/view.php?id=12751
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Re: iPhone crashes during large sync with build

Post by msherman »

Tried another large sync last night with your updated DLL, but the iPhone still crashed again after 853 songs.

Has your QA team been trying to replicate this failure mode? Given how consistently repeatable it's been for me, it should be fairly easy for you to replicate in house to get more data.

Do any other users out there sync a large library of FLACs autoconverted to M4A/aac with the codec pack? If so, please share your results with recent 4.1.8 builds and iOS 8.3 here to shed some light on this.

In case you're wondering, I'm using the M4A/aac codec because it's the only format I could find that resulted in working gapless playback. Apple claims that gapless playback works with .mp3, but for some reason the mp3s created by MM autoconversion play back with significant audible gaps.
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Re: iPhone crashes during large sync with build

Post by msherman »

Did you get anything useful from the logs I sent this morning?

Is there any other test I can run tonight that might help track this problem down?
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Re: iPhone crashes during large sync with build

Post by msherman »

While I'm waiting for an update, last night I tried syncing a smaller set of songs to the phone, successfully syncing just under 500 songs.

This morning, I'm doing another 100-150 at a time (I'm controlling the number by adjusting a Year criteria on the collection I auto-sync, so it's not exact how many get added with each iteration), and restarting mediamonkey between each batch. I've currently got 678 songs on the phone, and syncing another 138 right now.

If this batch succeeds, I'll have more songs on the phone than I've successfully managed to sync in a single go since I upgraded to iOS 8.3, which I think rules out any possibility of some kind of hardware problem with the phone causing the restarts.
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Re: iPhone crashes during large sync with build

Post by msherman »

The last batch succeeded. Also, the phone's remained pegged at 100% battery throughout the transfer, so that's not the cause of the crashes, either.
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Re: iPhone crashes during large sync with build

Post by msherman »

Got another hang on the iphone/AV 92 songs into the next batch. AV report is uploading now.
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Re: iPhone crashes during large sync with build

Post by msherman »

Or maybe not, it appears that the AV report uploader is hung/crashed, too. I've got to run, I'll leave it going and see if it finishes on its own.
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Re: iPhone crashes during large sync with build

Post by msherman »

No luck, still hung when I got back from work.

Tonight I'm going to try wiping the phone, converting a big batch of files to m4a in MM, then import those into iTunes and try transferring them in itunes, just to conclusively rule out a hardware problem with the phone.
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