ratings metadata embedded?

Moderator: Gurus


ratings metadata embedded?

Post by taebert »

I have both the desktop and the metro version installed on my win8 tablet. I have the desktop version configured so that it only looks for music on my E:\ and the metro version only looks for music on my D:\ drive. I use the desktop version to copy files from my main library (E) to the (D) drive. Songs that were already rated in the desktop version inherit their star ratings when imported into the metro version. If a song is imported into the metro version and is not rated, and I add a rating in the metro version, the rating is not preserved when I move it back to the main library in the desktop version. Any thoughts on how to manage this?

Moving files back and forth like this is actually a work around for not being able to get the server to run and be seen by the metro client when they are both running on the same machine.

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Re: ratings metadata embedded?

Post by MiPi »

Metro version currently does not write tags (including rating) back to the file, it writes it only to its database. We are working on it, it should be done soon.
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