Artist Art Tagger (Script Idea/Request)

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Artist Art Tagger (Script Idea/Request)

Post by dreadlyone »

Hey there.

We already have a few different type of auto taggers to do lyrics, album art, genres and album reviews via auto tag from web. I am sure I am missing some other auto taggers.

Anyhow, I think it would be cool to have an auto tagger for artist pics. LastFM has a tab for artist pics of which many artists have many to choose from. With all the lastFM scripts in the community, I can't imagine it would be terribly difficult to adapt one to download artist pics and embed them in the tag as "Artist" Pic and/or save them to artist folder.

Most of us I would assume at least use a mask starting with <Artist> and then customize from there. Mine is pretty simple:

Code: Select all

<Artist>\<Album>\<Artist> - <Track>
Ideally, I would want the artist file to be embedded and saved to the Artist root folder. I am sure others might have other ideas for this. Perhaps saving all artist pics to one central folder. I personally have all tracks tagged with album art, have a folder.jpg for each album and also have extracted all album art to central location also tagged with artist and album name.

Artist bio's would be awesome as well, however, from the several that I have checked, LastFM's bios are hot or miss and Allmusic's bio's although excellent, we aren't allowed to use them in our scripts right?

Anyhow, I thought it would be a great script so I am throwing it out there. I hope someone likes the idea and adopts it. I am slowly tagging my artists and I have about 200 done of approximately 5000. *sad face*

On the brighter side, MM in the last 3 months of using it has probably saved me about 2 years worth of work tagging, retagging, changing my mind and retagging again, fixing case issues, tracking down and fixing inconsistencies, auto organizing my entire library of 50k+ tracks....and the list goes on on how it has been tweaked and re-tweaked.

Thank god for MM!!!
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Post by drjboulder »

You could always just use Web Nodes to open LastFM within the monkey and get the pics and info that you want.
Or you could use WebSearch Panels in a similar fashion.
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Post by dreadlyone »

I'm already using webnodes and it has definitely sped things up for me, however, it is still a tedious task that could certainly be stream lined with something similar to what I outlined originally.

Thanks for replying with the script suggestions though. I appreciate the effort to try and help me out with an alternative.
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Post by trixmoto »

You're right, this script certainly would be possible as there is a Last.Fm web service for artist artwork, one which "Monkey Rok" uses. I'm still busy updating all my existing scripts so not taking on any new projects at the moment, but hopefully someone will take up the challenge! :)
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Re: Artist Art Tagger (Script Idea/Request)

Post by dreadlyone »

Anyone at all interested in taking up the challenge on this one? :D
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