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Do not like interface for MM5, perfer Glided

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 3:15 pm
by Rayi23
I don't know about everyone else but i do not like the new MediaMonkey interface for version 5. I don't even want to use it. I can't get past it. Too bad they just didn't give you a choice for Glided, since it seems it is popular. I like the original interface. I haven't seen any improvement on that interface. But that's just me. I like lots of contrast. I looked in the add on section but no one has updated it to work for 5. So I am definitely not ready to update if I have to look at that interface. Sorry. Hopefully, the add-on is updated to work with 5. In the meantime I am staying MM4. Thanks anyway for the developers effort in continuing to improve MediaMonkey. It is the best out there.

Re: Do not like interface for MM5, perfer Glided

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 3:44 pm
by drakinite
Thank you for your thoughts and your feedback. :heart:

It's true that we do not yet have many skins or addons for MM5, but that's expected, as MM3-4 has been around for a very long time and MM5 has just came out. But more will certainly come with time. I hope that in time, you'll be able to come to MM5 after options become available. :slight_smile: