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Playlists not ffollowing sequential order

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:37 am
by aeboyles
I have MMW Gold purchased later February 2021 and the most recent MMA client for Windows from Google Play. I have s Samsung A5 phone purchased new in 2017. My issue is that when I sync playlists wirelessly from MMW to MMA and play the playlists on my MMA app the songs are played in random order not in sequential order. And the MMA client will not stay within the same playlist it jumps randomly to other playlists. I realize this sounds like I have a shuffle feature enabled but I do not believe I do. I really like this product but this bug is really making me upset with the product. All my music us legally purchased and is mp3 format only ...please help.

Re: Playlists not ffollowing sequential order

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:12 am
by Lowlander
How exactly do you add the Playlist to the Now Playing in MMA?

Re: Playlists not ffollowing sequential order

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 11:10 am
by Peke
I am unable to replicate also, but like @lowlander said there is option to add randomly selected tracks or playlist to now playing.

Re: Playlists not following sequential order

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 9:12 am
by aeboyles
I have SOLVED THE PROBLEM -- at least for myself.

I did get a clue to the solution in the following post:


However it was not clear enough for me to automatically understand what was meant.

So to be crystal clear and to help this community I took a screenshot of my Android Device (Samsung Galaxy A5 2017 vintage) and I edited that image to show exactly where on the screen any users can enable and disable the shuffle feature.


I hope this can help some users out there as it is a frustrating problem. The image should be self-explanatory as it shows the icon for shuffling on the album artwork.

Here are my instructions:

[1] Select any playlist on your device
[2] Tap on any song in the playlist such that the song starts to play and the album artwork is displayed while the song begins to play.
[3] Pause the song from playing.
[4] Look at the album artwork image and you will notice a small icon near the bottom left hand corer of the artwork that resembles two arrows winding through each other in a weave pattern. this is the shuffle icon.
[5] Press the "shuffle" icon. It will turn from gold text (shuffle enabled) to white text(shuffle disabled).

Shuffle mode is now disabled for all playlists and all songs on the device.

I hope this fix is proven to be correct by others and that everyone who has had this problem can fix it by following what I have provided here.

Best wishes,


P.S. I followed the instructions for inserting an image and I tried to share my Google Drive url where the image is located with this forum in this message but the forum email previewer would not allow me to do so. I did create an image from screenshot of my phone that shows exactly what to do but this forum did not allow to me attach the image. If someone can instruct me how to post the image here I would be happy to do so. I also provided instructions above on how to create the url if people want to use it.

Re: Playlists not following sequential order

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:28 am
by aeboyles
I see that the image I posed did indeed get posted to this site so thank you for that and I look forward to feedback on my post - hopefully it helps someone! :D


Re: Playlists not ffollowing sequential order

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 8:34 pm
by Peke
Thx, for details explanation. I corrected your image URL so that it shows image itself.