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NAS missing / Not displayed in MMW-Explorer (PROBLEM SOLVED)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:14 am
by Donatello
Hello everybody,
I've been using MM4 Gold for many years (always the latest version)
My music collection is on a NAS (currently Synology DS118)
MM4 runs on PC and laptop (both Win 10). You access the music directory via LAN and WLAN.
Everything has always worked without any problems worth mentioning.

Now another Win 10 laptop is added.
It is in the same workgroup as the NAS and the other computers.
The NAS music directory is not mapped. We don't want that either
because MM4 is known to have its problems with it.

The problem:
The NAS is not displayed in the MM4 directory tree.
The only entries under "Network" are:
- Microsoft Terminal Services
- Microsoft Windows Network
- Web Client Network
In the past it was often the case that you simply had to address the NAS in Windows Explorer.
After that, the NAS was also displayed in MM4 => In our current case, unfortunately, that doesn't help.
We have also uninstalled and reinstalled MM4 several times. The problem is still there.

What works:
1) If I open the NAS music directory in Windows Explorer and drag and drop a track from the NAS music directory into the MM4 playlist, MM4 will play the track without any errors.
2) If I activate "Media Server" via Settings / Archive / Archive Tree, the NAS appears in the MM4 directory tree with the usual media server directory structure "Music, Photos and Video".
3) The beta version of MM5 installed as a test => NAS is displayed immediately and access works completely.

Despite intensive research, we have not yet been able to solve the problem. We have not yet found a report in which exactly this problem was dealt with or even solved.
Can someone help us?

Best Regards

Re: NAS missing / Not displayed in MMW-Explorer

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:20 am
by Peke
This is known Windows issue where under network you do not see NAS correctly. We have found easy workaround for that if you follow these easy steps:
1. Open Windows explorer -> navigate to NAS Path
2. Copy Full path to one single folder. Preferably to one with few tracks only (See example in below image 1)
3. Use MM File -> Add/rescan dialog to add new Network folder to list (See image 2 below)
4. Scan the folder
5. After scan NAS will be shown in My computer/Folders tree nodes and you can add additional folders to MM library

Solution/Workaround is that once you scan one folder from NAS MM will not query Windows networking for availability of network neighborhood, but will first try to access NAS and query folder list.

Image 1:

Image 2:

Re: NAS missing / Not displayed in MMW-Explorer

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:42 am
by Donatello
Hello Peke,
Thank you very much for your solution. It worked immediately. PERFECT.
Health and confidence
and best regards from Germany
Donatello :)