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DLNA service install no PW

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 5:21 am
by Pusscat
MMW4 v Win10
I can play my music on my Oppo Bluray player when MMW4 is running which is great.

I've tried to find the music on the player when MMW4 is not running but PC is and can't.

I've come to the conclusion i need to 'install the service' in MM under the Media Sharing & wifi synch...option but when i do it asks for a PW.

I'm assuming this is the windows local account...I'm logged on Win 10 as my name but i never created a PW so don't have one. I've checked WIN10 under local accounts and it says I don't have one. At the mo, it doesn't suit me to have a win 10 PW for my local account. So i've just pressed return to enetr blank, it didn't like it...

After the error message about the PW, Under Task manager, Services, Mediamonketservice, it says start up as Automatic and logon as .\Peter. The logon properties for this entry show a series of * in the PW and Confirm PW i delete these and enter something i can the use when asked for PW in the Install Service procedure? And will this new PW be what I need on my Oppo when logging on to look for my music?

Any help appreciated ...oh, not too computer literate either!

Re: DLNA service install no PW

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 5:59 am
by Peke
I'll try to be as simple as possible. Procedure installing MM as service take like this:
1. Click on Install as service
2. MM needs to elevate access (even you account is Administrator) in order to access any system background resources (eg. desktop, internet access. type manager is also a service), as accessing system resources can damage or harm user.
3. Windows UAC (User access control) take over and MM just asks what windows asks in order to get service installed

With that said as you are having your PC started anyway I would suggest that you make MM start with User logon and start minimized in Tray (set in option and start shortcut), then you will not have any issues and also you wil have faster access to full MM. (Hint: you can set MM to minimize on clicking on [X] so that you do not accidentally close MM)