Tracks out of order when using MM Android

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Tracks out of order when using MM Android

Post by MrJamesEMcBride »

I can see the files that I want to play, but they are out of order. Is there something that I need to do with MM Android to make it either use the filename or the ID3 track tag to order the files?

Thanks for the help!
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Re: Tracks out of order when using MM Android

Post by Lowlander »

What are they sorted on? Are all tags (<Album Artist>, <Album>, <Track#> & <Disc#>) correctly tagged? What DLNA Server are you connecting to?
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Re: Tracks out of order when using MM Android

Post by MrJamesEMcBride »

Thanks for the response, Lowlander!
I guess that woulda been a good idea for me to state what they ARE sorted on!
They are sorted by song title. I checked to see if they are all properly tagged, and they are.

As for what server I am using, I am a complete newb at working with DLNA.....
there are 2 servers available when I open MM Android, one is a MM server, which is the one I connect to, and the other gives the name of my computer and it has an icon that looks like server box. When I connect to the latter, I see a list of files that I dont even really recognize....I mean, they are music files that I have, but I dont remember ever making that list.
Where would I administer that server from? Where would I find it listed, to either shut it off or change it to what it should be showing?

Thanks for the help!
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Re: Tracks out of order when using MM Android

Post by MrJamesEMcBride »

OK, I found that rogue server! Right after I typed the question, it occurred to me that it is likely WIndows Media Player that is doing it, and I was right :)
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Re: Tracks out of order when using MM Android

Post by Lowlander »

So, you're using MMW server when sorting is incorrect? Which version of MMW are you using and what are you sorting on in MMW itself?
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Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:58 am

Re: Tracks out of order when using MM Android

Post by MrJamesEMcBride »

OK, this just in from the 'there are no stupid questions, just stupid people' department.......

When I was using MM Android previously, I was going in as UPNP>Music>Location> and then the location of the files on my computer.
THAT was when it was listing the files in order of song name alphabetically.

Now, I go in using Artist and Album name rather than Location.....the files are ordered correctly now.

The only mystery still remaining is, why, when I went in using Location, did the songs get ordered by song name rather than filename? My music all has the this filename format: <Track> - <Song Name>

That doesnt make sense to me......
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