Unable to cast audio [#15477 #18372]

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Unable to cast audio [#15477 #18372]

Post by CraigG »

The last two versions since MediaMonkey 5.0.2134 alpha have knocked out my ability to cast audio. Neither MM or even my Chrome browser can cast. I have to do a system restore to an earlier time to correct it.

It seems something in the past two versions is changing a system setting, killing the ability to cast. When I restore the system and go back to MM 5.0.2134 it works fine.
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Re: Reporting bugs...

Post by Ludek »

by system restore do you mean Windows system restore or Chromecast restore?

Are you saying that after the restore:
2134 works to cast
2138 does not work

If yes, could you please generate debug log using 2138 and the DbgView (item 4b here: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=86643 ) and share the log?

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Re: Reporting bugs...

Post by CraigG »


No idea how to follow your instructions. I just downloaded the most recent 'beta' version and once again, I cannot cast.

On opening MM the very first message was my speakers were unavailable. I don't know what MM is doing but it kills my ability to cast from Chrome also. I have to literally restore Windows to a previous version to get my casting back again.

To fix I restore Windows and reinstall MM 2134.
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Re: Reporting bugs...

Post by Barry4679 »

CraigG wrote: Sun Dec 30, 2018 11:52 pm No idea how to follow your instructions. I just downloaded the most recent 'beta' version and once again, I cannot cast.
He means this from the link he supplied.
b) For functional problems (i.e. no crash or error) or if an error report isn't generated automatically, you can manually generate a debug log as described below:
- Download the DbgView application from: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysi ... s/bb896647
- Execute DbgView.
- If you know that the bug triggers a system freeze, configure DbgView to save the log to a file automatically via File > Log to File...
- Execute MediaMonkey.exe and try to reproduce the bug with a small set of Tracks.
- You'll see logs being generated in DbgView (if not try running DBGView as Administrator). Save the log messages from DbgView to a file if necessary.
  • you download and install the DBgView app from technet
  • then run DBgBView before starting MM5, and then start MM5 ... DBgView has an open window where you can see that it is accumulating a log file of MM5 internal activities
  • then do your MM task which triggers or demonstrates the problem
  • then go to DBgView, and save the log to somewhere that they can access (eg. Dropbox etc) ... and send them a PM message to Ludek, or whoever asked, containing a link to the log ... or email the log file to one of them, with a reference to this forum thread
So a bit for you to do ... but they need this in situations where MM does not detect that a problem exists, so it doesn't auto-send them a log file
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Re: Reporting bugs...

Post by dtsig »

Nice explanation ..
Where's the db and ini stored
Reporting Bugs
Where tags are stored

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Re: Reporting bugs...

Post by Ludek »

I don't know what MM is doing but it kills my ability to cast from Chrome also. I have to literally restore Windows to a previous version to get my casting back again.
To fix I restore Windows and reinstall MM 2134.
How did you find that MM kills the ability to cast from Chrome?
Is it that casting from Chrome works until you first time start MM??
Isn't it that restoring Windows to previous version does the trick despite the MM version installed?
i.e. if you restore Windows to previous point and then start the newest MM version does it work?
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Re: Unable to cast audio

Post by CraigG »

Hi Ludek

In Chrome I can 'cast desktop' to my Chromecast Audio.

In both Chrome and MM5 2134, my WIFI speakers are visible. However, when I install any later version of MM5, the speakers are no longer visible in either Chrome, MM5 or presumably any other casting application.

It takes a good hour to restore my system to a previous version. I have done this now done 3 times. I haven't tried restoring and then installing any newer version of MM5 as I have naturally presumed the issue lays in the latter versions.

As soon as I restore the system and reinstall MM5 2134, my speakers are visible again.
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Re: Unable to cast audio

Post by Ludek »

So I suppose that you still keep 2134 and can cast using it, right?
Could you try to install 2146 beta to see whether the issue is resolved for you ?
You can create a restore point before the install, but I strongly doubt that just installing 2146 could break the cast functionality.
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Re: Unable to cast audio

Post by CraigG »

Hey - I installed 2146 the day it was released. Same problem.
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Re: Unable to cast audio

Post by Ludek »

Could you please generate debug log (item 4b here: https://www.mediamonkey.com/forum/viewt ... 30&t=86643 )
1) Start DbgView
2) Start MediaMonkey, click the 'Play to' button on the player (or right-click > Play to..) to show the Chromecast device(s) in the list
3) Save the debug log and attach

As for the lost ability to cast from any application. Are you saying that this happens whenever you install a MM5 build (higher than 2134) and try to play a song to the Chromecast device? Or is it broken just by showing the list of available players in MM5?

Also, are you sure that you need to restore Windows to a previous point -- and that just restarting the computer and/or Chromecast does not help?
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Re: Unable to cast audio

Post by CraigG »

Hi Ludek

I just installed MediaMonkey Beta in Portable mode.

On opening the application I immediately got an alert window "kitchen speaker player is turned off or inaccessible"

I restarted the PC, reopened MM and got the same alert.

I cannot see my Kitchen speakers (Chromecast Audio) from the bottom right corner. Strangely, I can view my Samsung TV from the list of available speakers.So, it seems something in MM doesn't like Chromecast Audio.

I clicked 'Cast' from within my Chrome browser and that can still see and access Chromecast speakers. This wasn't possible in previous MM versions.

I closed MM and reopened. It immediately gave me the same alert and everything above was repeated.

I followed your steps and have a debug report. I cannot see anywhere on this screen to attach it. I put it here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoM1UrOaoKUMj4ohUhykE-pN5Sklag
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Re: Unable to cast audio

Post by Ludek »

Thanks for the log, in the log I see that the Chromecast was not detected using mDNS and also wasn't detected using SSDP dial (only the Samsung TV was).
There hasn't been a change in the discovery/detection since 2134 so I suppose that it isn't detected using 2134 too?

To resolve this, I tried to increase timeout for mDNS discovery/detection, please download this MediaMonkeyEngine.exe : https://www.dropbox.com/s/hf7q8mu40hv9m ... e.exe?dl=0
And replace it over your current C:\MediaMonkey 5\MediaMonkeyEngine.exe
Then try to run MediaMonkey.exe again to see whether the problem still appears and generate new log, thanks!

BTW: I know why the Windows restore helped you, the discovered/detected Chromecasts are cached in C:\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\persistent.json file, but in the newer builds we added a housekeeping so that old entries (Chromecast that hasn't been detected for more than one week) are removed. This is the reason why you could see the Chromecast using 2134 after the Windows restore. You can preserve just the persitent.json file with the cached Chromecast list as a workaround + using 2134.
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Re: Unable to cast audio

Post by CraigG »

2134 works fine for casting.

I can't open the file you sent me. When I open it I get a "run time error 217 at 0042ED9B" message.

However, based on your message, I deleted the Json file and opened MM - SUCCESS!

I can see and cast to all my speakers.

Thanks Ludek - good luck with the rest of your build!
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Re: Unable to cast audio

Post by Ludek »

CraigG wrote: Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:20 pm 2134 works fine for casting.
Are you saying that the chromecast is detected by using 2134 and not by 2147 at the same time?
Could you please send me also debug log generated using 2134 -- so that I can compare it with the 2147 log?
I can't open the file you sent me. When I open it I get a "run time error 217 at 0042ED9B" message.
Did you replace it over your current C:\MediaMonkey 5\MediaMonkeyEngine.exe before running C:\MediaMonkey5\MediaMonkey.exe ?

However, based on your message, I deleted the Json file and opened MM - SUCCESS!
I can see and cast to all my speakers.
Success with 2134 or 2147 or both?

It still sounds to me that all of the above is just coincidence -- simply your cast device often fails to detect/discover no matter which version of MM5 is used.
Once it is discovered then the entry is cached in the persistent.json -- so for now it will work for you at least for one week (even when the discovery fails), after one week the old entries from the json are removed. Would you mind to attach (or PM me) also your persistent.json file?
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Re: Unable to cast audio

Post by CraigG »

1 - sorry but when I installed the latest MM it went over 2134. 2134 has always casted fine for me. It was only the latter versions that didn't.

2. No I didn't have the exe file in the right place. Sorry. I've corrected that now. i opened MM and my peakers are gone again. I have a new debug log: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AoM1UrOaoKUMj4ogRkgnRP_wbjxmfg

3. Success was with 2147. 2134 always worked. I no longer have 2134.
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