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Problem with Greek (and other) fonts

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 5:03 am
by sarant
Hi all

MM is an excellent program, but it has one, only one, but rather
big drawback that prevents me from investing more time&money
in it.

I mean, the support for Greek fonts.

I have WinXP, so I have been able to fully use Greek in very many
other programs that previously had only limited support for Greek,
so I am pretty confident that the problem is not due to my side. Yes,
I have read another fellow Greek's claim (in this forum) that the
problem can be solved by tinkering with the registry, but I agree
with the reply given by another Greek, namely that this is not necessary
in XP.

Please note that MM *does* support Greek partially. I mean, when I use
tags in Greek I am able to see them correctly at the "Song properties" screen (the one you get pressing Shift-Enter) and I am also able to use
Greek in searches. **Alas, in the main menu this same Greek text appears in "Chinese", and here is the cause of my frustration**

Note that other tag-editing programs do not have any problem
whatsoever with Greek tags, displaying them correctly in all instances. However, these programs don't have very many features of MM.

Another, non-Greek but related, problem: I have some German songs, and I remarked that MM was reporting as "Dead Links" all the songs whose title contained special German characters (like umlauts). The song was there, obviously. I was able to play the song using, say, WMP -but not via MM. I suspect the problem is that I have set WinXP to consider nonUnicode pages as Greek, which is the setting I want to keep. But this
prevents me from accessing any song with funny characters from within MM. Note that I have a similar problem with another program, Windows
Commander, an old version. It also cannot read any file with Umlauts etc. in its name.

Well, I was rather talkative :-)


Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 10:46 am
by djmike
ok the thing with the registry... xp use a font called tahoma i think with the registry trick you change the font to something with greek support a lot programs like bpm and other music programs now read greek ok...

something in greek: de katalaveno vasika to provlima me afto emena mou doulevi apsoga... episis distixos kalo einai na min exoume ellinika tags
giati iparxi asimvatotita me mp3 players... me cd players pou diavazoun cd text ktl... ego ixa 2000 ellinika mp3s kai me ena programa allakse ta filename se aglika aftomata kai meta ekana tag ta names me ellinikous xaraktires... afto me to registry doulevi gia mena gia otan pernao cd ellinika apo freedb pou den exoun greeklish ama theli kaneis tipota