Local FreeDB support / FreeDB proxy?

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Local FreeDB support / FreeDB proxy?

Post by guest »

in the master wish-list i ran across the topic "local freeDB support".

this reminds me of a non-answered question im carrying around for a while, now:

does there exist any "freeDB proxy" i could install on a local system?

scenario A: various apps query the freeDB, individually. instead, they could all query via the local proxy.

scenario B: in a LAN various machines quere the freeDB, individually. instead, they could all query via the local proxy.

feature requirements would be:
- locally cache query results
- local cache supports offline mode
- local cache supports deferred lookup (when being offline, defer query until online, again)
- bidirectional data-flow: support querys AND new submissions
- deferred submission (when being offline, defer submission until online, again)

does anybody know of such a software piece?

best, philipp


Post by guest »

what about the JeFCo"Jesterware freedb Collector"?

sounds promising:
http://www.jesterware.org/help/howto.html (<= read this)


best, philipp
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Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2001 7:00 pm
Location: Czech Republic

Post by jiri »

Thanks for the link, it looks like it could help to people looking for local freedb support.



Post by guest »

i ran a first test: looks great!

it doesn't seem to work in direct mode - but the http protocol in conjunction with the proxy switch works, definately!

as to the local freedb database: jefco supports the "windows directory server": just download the entire database from freedb.org and store it on the local HDD. then configure a "windows directory server" and have it point to the local database.


Post by Guest »

Hi folks!

I've just released JeFCo 0.6! Some of the problems noted here are solved now and some enhancements are included. The most notable improvements are (beside better compatability, gui enhancements, bugfixes, export to text, ...) the improved usage of locally stored cd information archives. It is now even possible to use the archives from freedb in the *.tar.bzip2 form without unpacking! That brings a huge reduce of the needed disk space!
Please give it a try and tell me (rob@jesterware.org) if there are still bugs or features missing. You get it at: http://www.jesterware.org

Any comments?

Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2003 9:02 am

Post by philipp »

please continue discussion at the announcement thread:

