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autoplaylist - SQL error

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 2:01 pm
by denisova
I need your help finding a fix for an SQL error generated by an autoplaylist.

I built a fairly complex autoplaylist (aka complexList) in order to collect unplayed podcasts which satisfy some criteria relating to lengh and star rating. In brief, complexList includes short podcasts (< 15 minutes) of any star-rating while longer podcasts must have a two-star rating to appear in the autoplaylist. ComplexList works perfectly, usually returning about 20 or 30 podcast episodes. So far, so good.

However, when I make a new autoplaylist (aka brokenList) whose sole criteria is "Playlist = complexList", MM throws an SQL-error pop-up message (see error message below) and brokenList is empty of results. In other words, the source playlist (i.e. complexList) works fine on its own. But brokenList (whose sole criteria is playlist = complexList) is completely broken and produces an SQL error.

My MM library is very small and all of my playlists work perfectly, the sole exception being brokenList. See Background facts (below) for details. And the so-called complexList? It's really not very complex at all, as you can see from the Background facts.

The pop-up SQL error message is shown below.

So… What have I done wrong with brokenList?

Thx in advance,
MMW Gold v4.1.7 (portable mode)

Background facts:
My MM library is quite small, consisting of fewer than 350 podcasts and 150 songs.
The so-called complexList, it usually returns 20 to 30 podcast episodes.
The so-called complexList, its only 'complexity' is that it lies at the end of a chain of lists that refer back to other autoplaylists. The complexList itself has only two criteria, each of which is simply another playlist.

The "chain" goes somethink like this:
  • List A = any of about 30 podcast series (selection criteria draws podcasts from about a dozen different Artists)
    List B = List A and NOT ShortList (ShortList = an autoplaylist limited to podcasts < 15 minutes long; so short podcasts are excluded from List B)
    List C = List B and plays < 1
    List D = List C and rating = 2 stars
    complexList = any of two playlists: List D, plus ShortList (i.e. ShortList adds back podcasts < 15 min long, which were excluded back in List B) – complexList usually returns 20 or 30 podcast episodes
    brokenList = complexList (yep, that's all, brokenList's sole criteria is Playlist = complexList") - so… you get an SQL error from brokenList even as complexList (the sole source of brokenList) works fine
note: all of the above autoplaylists (including complexList) work perfectly fine, the sole exception being brokenList

Pop-up message:

Code: Select all

There was a problem querying the database:
Error executing SQL "SELECT Songs.*
 FROM Songs WHERE ( Songs.Id  IN (SELECT Songs.Id
 FROM Songs WHERE ( Songs.Id  IN (SELECT Songs.Id
 FROM Songs WHERE (( Songs.Id  IN (SELECT Songs.Id
 FROM Songs WHERE ( Songs.Id  IN (SELECT Songs.Id
 FROM Songs WHERE ( Songs.IdAlbum in (52,10,30,188,32,34,36,12,25,26,145,28,": parser stack overflow 1,1)