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Known Album Mess up.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:51 am
by rovingcowboy
if you got an cd of an album in the store for meditation that was called Echoes of Spring the ultimate sounds of nature.

and are wondering what the song titles are, why you can't see any artist name on any of the covers? well its there in small fonts in black on the part of the cover image that is dotted with black shadows from the flowers and the name is very hard to read, but it is there and the name is Clive Lendich, how ever the above album name is not what he called his album. and when you stick that album in the cdrom drive it shows no names on it. i'm guessing clive's real album does not either,

but the song titles can be found by searching last fm for the real album's name of "Spring Walk" by "Clive Lendich "

i'm not sure if the first album mentioned above is legal or not? but i just thought to say here what i found incase any other mm members have this trouble.
