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MM Popup Display too wide

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:48 am
by theta_wave
Is there any way to control the width of the popup display? It's width takes up a little more than a quarter of my 1280x800 screen showing the song title, artist, album and rating (if present) and leaving a whole lot of white space. I remember the popup display in MM3 being about 1/2 the width of MM4's display.


Re: MM Popup Display too wide

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:34 am
by theta_wave
okay, I guess it is found in InfoPopup under theme.mskn using the themeeditor. *sigh* it has been a few years since I used the themeeditor, something I thought I wouldn't have to revisit again. Alas, my heavily edited wmp11 skin I used throughout MM3 just doesn't look right with MM4