Queue List 1.2 (2012-02-13) [MM2+]

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Re: Queue List 1.0.1 (2010-07-26) [MM2+3]

Post by ZvezdanD »

Peke wrote:Maybe I'm Mistaking but I tried using OnTrackEnd and this should be getting if Last track on list check:
If ((SDB.Player.CurrentPlaylist.Count-1) = SDB.Player.CurrentSongIndex) and (Not SDB.Player.isShuffle) And (not SDB.Player.isRepeat) Then
Pay attention, please ;) Here is what I said: "There is also not any index to check if the track is the last in the list if Shuffle is turned on". You know, the main purpose of this script is especially when Shuffle is turned on. Never mind, trixmoto's suggestion with a timer and Player.isPlaying seems to work fine.

Anyway, I think it would be too much better for scripters if you MM developers implement something like OnTotalPlaybackEnd or something similar and I bet that it would be just 15 minutes of your work to implement something like that. Please, take a look at the code of this script - it is full of dirty and unnecessary code just because MM lacking of proper API.
Magic Nodes 4.3.3 / 5.2 RegExp Find & Replace 4.4.9 / 5.2  Invert Selection/Select None 1.5.1  Export/Create Playlists for Child Nodes 4.1.1 / 5.4.1  Expand Child Nodes/Expand All 1.1.2  Event Logger 2.7  Filtered Statistics Report 1.6  Track Redirection & Synchronization 3.4.2  Restore/Synchronize Database 3.1.8 / 4.0.1  Find Currently Playing Track 1.3.2  Queue List 1.2.1  Add to Library on Play 1.0.1  Tree Report for Child Nodes 1.1.1  Update Location of Files in Database 1.4.5 / 2.3  Inherit Child Playlists 1.0.3  Add Currently Playing/Selected Track(s) to Playlist 1.2
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Re: Queue List 1.0.1 (2010-07-26) [MM2+3]

Post by Peke »

Will look into it. I know that I had similar issue with last.fm plugin. Will check your script and do some tests to see but I think that it should be possible.

It has lots of space to improve that is a fact. Unfortunately it is not just 15 min :(
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Re: Queue List 1.0.1 (2010-07-26) [MM2+3]

Post by pkw115 »

ZvezdanD, Is there a way to turn this script on and off? With this script installed I can no longer type the letter "q" in the search box. Hitting the "q" key, of course triggers this script, but there are times when I'll want to type a "q" and not launch the script. Thanks.
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Re: Queue List 1.0.1 (2010-07-26) [MM2+3]

Post by ZvezdanD »

pkw115 wrote:Is there a way to turn this script on and off? With this script installed I can no longer type the letter "q" in the search box.
I could add such option, but maybe it would be better with a changed shortcut, for example Ctrl+Q. You could do it by yourself if you open c:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto\QueueList.vbs in Notepad and change line 35 from:

Code: Select all

Const sScriptShortcut = "Q"

Code: Select all

Const sScriptShortcut = "Ctrl+Q"
Magic Nodes 4.3.3 / 5.2 RegExp Find & Replace 4.4.9 / 5.2  Invert Selection/Select None 1.5.1  Export/Create Playlists for Child Nodes 4.1.1 / 5.4.1  Expand Child Nodes/Expand All 1.1.2  Event Logger 2.7  Filtered Statistics Report 1.6  Track Redirection & Synchronization 3.4.2  Restore/Synchronize Database 3.1.8 / 4.0.1  Find Currently Playing Track 1.3.2  Queue List 1.2.1  Add to Library on Play 1.0.1  Tree Report for Child Nodes 1.1.1  Update Location of Files in Database 1.4.5 / 2.3  Inherit Child Playlists 1.0.3  Add Currently Playing/Selected Track(s) to Playlist 1.2
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Re: Queue List 1.0.1 (2010-07-26) [MM2+3]

Post by pkw115 »

Thanks, I'll give it a try.

Re: Queue List 1.0.1 (2010-07-26) [MM2+3]

Post by BRcr »

Hello :)
Thanks for your Queue List - it just saved me!

I've got a couple of ideas you might think about.

First is quite a simple one - the realized in script hotkey to show(make visible/ set a focus on) QueueList playlist. It would be much more comfort than searching QueueList in tree view manually each time you need it.

This one is a bit more complicated, but useful enough.
The idea is to show the numeration of queued tracks in NowPlaying view - almost like in Winamp.
I suppose it could be realized through the one of "Custom" fields in properties of tracks. The script can change for example the "Custom 5" field to the number of track in QueueList when it's added in there. On removal from QueueList this field can be cleared or returned to its initial condition.
There is just one big problem. When any track is to be removed from the QueueList, all the others tracks "Custom 5" fields should be apdated. But tagging is not that fast actually and if there will be much enough tracks in QueueList it might cause troubles, conflicts etc. But I can't see any other way to realize this idea in MediaMonkey for now...

Any chances it could be done?
Thanks for attention :)
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Re: Queue List 1.0.1 (2010-07-26) [MM2+3]

Post by ZvezdanD »

BRcr wrote:I've got a couple of ideas you might think about.
These are nice suggestions indeed. With your first suggestion, how about using "Ctrl+M" as an hotkey, to be similar to hotkey for "Manage Queue" option in Winamp? BTW, what do you think about modifying hotkey for "Queue Selected" option from "Q" to "Ctrl+Q"? It would be different then hotkey for the same option in Winamp, but it would eliminate the problem mentioned few posts before. The "Q" hotkey could be problematic as well if someone edits tags directly on the main tracklist or Now Playing panel and want to enter that character.

I am not sure about the second suggestion, since I don't like to change any tag in files for such purpose, not even temporary. Writing tags into files could slow down the program especially with files on networked drives, not to mention that someone could have read-only audio files whose tags cannot be updated. However, if we stick with MM 4.0, maybe this could be realized without using some actual tag since MM 4.0 could displays several new fields which are not stored into any tag, but only in the database file, e.g. Skipped #, Podcast, Series, Episode #... Well, someone using these fields would not be happy with such solution either...
Magic Nodes 4.3.3 / 5.2 RegExp Find & Replace 4.4.9 / 5.2  Invert Selection/Select None 1.5.1  Export/Create Playlists for Child Nodes 4.1.1 / 5.4.1  Expand Child Nodes/Expand All 1.1.2  Event Logger 2.7  Filtered Statistics Report 1.6  Track Redirection & Synchronization 3.4.2  Restore/Synchronize Database 3.1.8 / 4.0.1  Find Currently Playing Track 1.3.2  Queue List 1.2.1  Add to Library on Play 1.0.1  Tree Report for Child Nodes 1.1.1  Update Location of Files in Database 1.4.5 / 2.3  Inherit Child Playlists 1.0.3  Add Currently Playing/Selected Track(s) to Playlist 1.2
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Re: Queue List 1.0.1 (2010-07-26) [MM2+3]

Post by Mizery_Made »

ZvezdanD wrote:MM 4.0 could displays several new fields which are not stored into any tag, but only in the database file, e.g. Skipped #, Podcast, Series, Episode #...
I don't believe these are "database only" fields. I seem to recall seeing somewhere in Mantis that these fields are mapped to other tags, such as Podcast and/or Series going into Album and Episode # going into Track # or something. Thus, if you were to modify the Episode # of a file, it may try writing that to the Track #

Re: Queue List 1.0.1 (2010-07-26) [MM2+3]

Post by BRcr »

ZvezdanD wrote:...how about using "Ctrl+M" as an hotkey, to be similar (...) BTW, what do you think about modifying hotkey for "Queue Selected" option from "Q" to "Ctrl+Q"?
The key itself isn't that matter - anyone can easyly change it manually in the script after all. The matter point is just an existance of such functionality. So "Ctrl+M" and "Ctrl+Q" would be just fine for everyone by default. What for me - I prefer using a one-key hotkey for comfort, so I've changed "Q" to "F2" and I'll change the shortcut to QueueList to "F3", I suppose...
ZvezdanD wrote:Writing tags into files could slow down the program especially with files on networked drives, not to mention that someone could have read-only audio files whose tags cannot be updated.
Here I must agree with you completely. I haven't thought about it - I don't use any network drives and have no read-only-something in my system :)
So it seems like the only feasible option is a database-only tag. What about happiness of people who could use that one tag, I think that it should be done optional. You could simply define a global variable in the script file to turn this feature on or off and set it off by default. This way everyone would be quite happy :)
Mizery_Made wrote:I don't believe these are "database only" fields.
Lets just hope they will really be database-only tags. This is very simple for MM developers to realize it.

P.S. Sorry for my bad French, my native is Russian... :wink:

Re: Queue List 1.0.1 (2010-07-26) [MM2+3]

Post by BRcr »

A little remark to the shortcut for QueueList playlist. It would be nice to change the reaction for second press: when QueueList is in focus the shortcut causes the call of "Back to previous view(Alt+Left)" function. This way: you look at the list, change it if necessary and go back - all fast and easy. :)
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Re: Queue List 1.1 (2011-01-22) [MM2+]

Post by ZvezdanD »

There is a new update - v1.1 - 2011-01-22:
* Added: F4 hotkey to show Queue List/go back to the previous view;
* Changed: Q hotkey to F3 for the Queue Selected option.

I suggested developers to add a possibility to display some non-tag field within the Summary column for the serial number of queued tracks, but chances for that are not very bright. Until then I cannot do anything more.
Magic Nodes 4.3.3 / 5.2 RegExp Find & Replace 4.4.9 / 5.2  Invert Selection/Select None 1.5.1  Export/Create Playlists for Child Nodes 4.1.1 / 5.4.1  Expand Child Nodes/Expand All 1.1.2  Event Logger 2.7  Filtered Statistics Report 1.6  Track Redirection & Synchronization 3.4.2  Restore/Synchronize Database 3.1.8 / 4.0.1  Find Currently Playing Track 1.3.2  Queue List 1.2.1  Add to Library on Play 1.0.1  Tree Report for Child Nodes 1.1.1  Update Location of Files in Database 1.4.5 / 2.3  Inherit Child Playlists 1.0.3  Add Currently Playing/Selected Track(s) to Playlist 1.2
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Re: Queue List 1.1 (2011-01-22) [MM2+]

Post by Nukm »

thanks a lot for this (i was one of the people requesting an enqueue function)
still it seems like an ugly hack for what should be a core feature :/
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Re: Queue List 1.1 (2011-01-22) [MM2+]

Post by kmm2908 »

Getting the following error on start up:

error #424 Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Object Required: 'SDB.Player.CurrentSong'
File: "...\QueueList.vbs", Line: 314, Column: 12

If I click ok will then continue as expected.
WinAmp 5.601
Media Monkey

Any help gratefully received
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Re: Queue List 1.1 (2011-01-22) [MM2+]

Post by ZvezdanD »

kmm2908 wrote:Getting the following error on start up:
Thanks for the report. I cannot reproduce that bug, but you could try the modified version - v1.1.1 - 2010-01-30:
* Fixed: error on start-up in some rare cases.
Magic Nodes 4.3.3 / 5.2 RegExp Find & Replace 4.4.9 / 5.2  Invert Selection/Select None 1.5.1  Export/Create Playlists for Child Nodes 4.1.1 / 5.4.1  Expand Child Nodes/Expand All 1.1.2  Event Logger 2.7  Filtered Statistics Report 1.6  Track Redirection & Synchronization 3.4.2  Restore/Synchronize Database 3.1.8 / 4.0.1  Find Currently Playing Track 1.3.2  Queue List 1.2.1  Add to Library on Play 1.0.1  Tree Report for Child Nodes 1.1.1  Update Location of Files in Database 1.4.5 / 2.3  Inherit Child Playlists 1.0.3  Add Currently Playing/Selected Track(s) to Playlist 1.2
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Re: Queue List 1.1 (2011-01-22) [MM2+]

Post by Eyal »

kmm2908 wrote:If I click ok will then continue as expected.
WinAmp 5.601
Media Monkey
Are you using WinAmp as external player in MM?
In that case the NowPlaying list is disabled in MM, and it could explain why 'SDB.Player.CurrentSong' is unavailable.
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