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MM has deleted my podcasts - where to?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:06 am
by Fellwalker2000
I have been downloading and saving podcasts from the BBC Radio 4 Friday comedy hour, which I then take on holiday with me. I had 20 or so from this year, plus an archive from last year.

Imagine my horror to find that having changed over from my previous media player to MM, it has deleted all but one. :o They are not in the recycle bin. What on earth has it done with them?

This seems to be a horrible default - surely as a default MM should not adversely change what is stored on a users PC? :mad:

Re: MM has deleted my podcasts - where to?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:09 am
by nohitter151
What are the podcast settings? I imagine you have it set to:

[x] Delete episodes older than XXX

Re: MM has deleted my podcasts - where to?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:29 am
by Fellwalker2000
Thanks for your comment.

I didn't set it to anything, this was how MM came. Yes, it was set to delete podcasts older than 1 week. To me that is a dreadful default position to put in a program. What if I go on a fortnight's holiday?
Actually I did see that there was also a tick box enabled that says "only if listened to" and another one that says "always retain the 2 most recent episodes". I had not listened to the last 4 episodes.
However, MM has deleted all but the last episode, and I cannot find the deleted ones.

Re: MM has deleted my podcasts - where to?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:20 pm
by Fellwalker2000
Does anyone know where MM might have deleted my files to?
I cannot even find them using "recuva" which is a program specifically to track down deleted files.

Re: MM has deleted my podcasts - where to?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:00 pm
by nohitter151
It looks like MM deletes them permanently, I just manually updated my podcasts, noticed that one was deleted, and checked the recycle bin. Empty.
Fellwalker2000 wrote: I didn't set it to anything, this was how MM came. Yes, it was set to delete podcasts older than 1 week. To me that is a dreadful default position to put in a program. What if I go on a fortnight's holiday?
Well, you have a chance to update the options each time you enter a new feed, so I'm not sure why this is a problem. Especially as I imagine these settings are fine for most users (I would think most users want podcasts deleted after they have listened to them).
Actually I did see that there was also a tick box enabled that says "only if listened to" and another one that says "always retain the 2 most recent episodes". I had not listened to the last 4 episodes.
However, MM has deleted all but the last episode, and I cannot find the deleted ones.
In case you can reliably produce the problem, I'd urge you to submit a bug report:

I can't reproduce the problem though, it works fine here.