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Songs-DB Beta 4 (build 519) is here! Check it out.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 6:55 pm
by rusty
Things have been a bit slower the past couple of weeks, summer vacation and all. That said, beta 4 (build 519 of version 1.4) is now ready, incorporating fixes to many of the issues that you've discovered in earlier betas. Please keep the feedback coming--your bug reports really help to improve Songs-DB!

As with previous betas, keep in mind that this one contains a number of bugs, some of which have not yet been discovered. The beta is being provided for feedback and testing purposes, and is recommended for use only by advanced users who regularly test pre-release software. If you plan on testing the beta, take precautions to backup your data to protect against any data loss during installation or usage.

What's new in build 519?
  • - Made a number of additions/improvements to CD burning, playback and freedb lookups.
    -- Added digital Audio CD playback (CD Reader plug-in) which solves bugs with concurrent ripping & playback.
    -- Added genre/year to the Freedb query results dialog
    -- Improved CD properties--genre/year are shown even if not saved to the library
    -- Fixed problems with CD autoplay on some systems
    -- Fixed hangs on CD burning on some systems via more conservative defaults
    -- Fixed redundant Freedb queries
    - Added support for general plugins (minimally tested with SQR-soft ACF controller)
    - Improved playlist import (by default no longer assigns Playlist title/# to empty Track title/track# fields)
    - Improvements (minor) to Advanced Search usability
    - Moved Files to Edit:Accessible Songs to Playlists:Accessible Tracks
    - Fixed multimedia keyboard failure when Songs-DB is minimized
    - Fixed problem with OGG Album Artist tags being imported incorrectly
    - Fixed Sleep Timer
    - Fixed database problems for users upgrading from Songs-DB 1.3
    - Fixed double database entries which occurred occasionally
    - Fixed search functionality which wasn't working for some fields (e.g. lyrics)
    - Fixed bitrate and khz indicators for Flac, Ape, MPC, and AAC input plug-ins
    - Fixed default autoplaylists so that they're not deleted when database is cleared
    - Fixed File Monitor so that it only monitors for file types that are checked in the 'Add Folders' dialog
    - Fixed display of multiple artist albums in Genre subnodes
    - Fixed Player configuration dialogs when accessed via the Songs-DB player
    - Fixed crash in decode.exe when attempting to normalize a video file
    - Fixed occasional crash on rapid restart + CD+G plugin crash on exit
    - Fixed copying a file to /Library/Locations now adds the file to the library
    - Fixed access violation when clicking the right portion of the status bar
    - Fixed problem with filename character mappings
Songs-DB Beta: ... ew_519.exe
Note: This beta is now out-of-date

1) If you have a previous version of Songs-DB Gold installed, do NOT uninstall it--otherwise you may have problems accessing your cached files. If you aren't using the Virtual CD, you can safely uninstall your previous version of Songs-DB before installing the new one.
2) Double-click the downloaded file to install it.

Important Note: If you tested beta 3 and are using Windows 95/98/ME, you may have experienced problems playing tracks in your database if you had upgraded from Songs-DB 1.3. Beta 4 resolves this problem, but requires that you upgrade from the original Songs-DB 1.3 database (i.e. from a backup of the DB). If you do not have a backup, it's fairly easy to fix the problem manually. From MS Access, edit SongsDB.mdb and in the Medias table and fill the column TurnedSN with '1' instead of '0'.