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Column width not saved on exit in certain view modes.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:04 pm
by Zeke129
Using Mediamonkey, the column width is not saved on exit if you are using "show album art with details" view. (Using Vista Ultimate 32-bit SP2)

Steps to reproduce: Switch to that view mode and adjust column widths. Close mediamonkey. Your adjustments will be reset next time you start the program.
Workaround: Make your adjustments, switch to "details" view, and exit. Restart, and switch back to "show album art with details". Your adjustments will stick.

I've never seen this posted here before, so I hope it isn't an issue that only affects me...

Re: Column width not saved on exit in certain view modes.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:15 pm
by nohitter151
Yes, it will be fixed in the next version: