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Accessible Songs under Files to Edit?

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 9:13 pm
by Numbnuts
Under the tree 'Files to Edit' you have the branch 'Accessible Songs'. This doesn't quite seem intuitive. Why would I want to edit Accessible Songs?

And would you prefer a new topic for each bug or one topic with multiple bugs?

BTW... good job on 1.4. You're beta is more solid than many other general availability released products.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 9:25 am
by rusty
Good point. We're probably going to move the Accessible Songs node to:
Playlists / Accessible Tracks.

re. usage of the forum, I prefer a new topic for each new bug as it makes it easier to track them.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 8:52 pm
by rusty
fixed in beta 4.