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Properties and sorting columns

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 6:42 am
by Octopod

I'm testing the beta and observe 2 little things:

- A few MP3 files (about 1% of my collection) have wrong properties regarding bitrates (some are 16 Kbps, some are 448 Kbps!) and/or frequency. Removing them and rescanning does not fix the problem. Windows XP gives me correct properties from the explorer.

- When a node of the tree displays a large amount of tracks, sorting by columns sometimes let the scrollbar at the top the main window and sometimes it is centered: it's a bit confusing.

Well, and a wish to finish: when removing an item from the collection, is it possible to have "delete from library only" as default choice? I know deleted items go to the recycle bin but...

Congratulation for this version. :P


Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 1:34 pm
by jiri
1. Yes, this happens with some mp3 files with incorrect header. There will be some improvements in the next beta.

2. This is because the selection is preserved after sorting - the focused track is focused again.

3. The idea is that library generally reflects what is on disk. If you remove a track and you do another scan, it will be added anyway...


Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 10:34 am
by Octopod
Ok, i understand.

But concerning the scrollbar, i observe the problem even when all or none of the tracks are selected...


Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 12:52 pm
by rusty
That's because even if you haven't explicitly selected a track, the first track is highlighted by default (see the faint dashed line around it), so if, for example, you change from the default sort of 'by Artist' to 'by Title' then the track that was initially highlighted remains on the screen when you do the new sort.

So the bug can probably be fixed by:
1) more visibly highlighting the track that's highlighted by default
2) behave as if no track is selected when sorting columns and no track is selected

thx for the info.


Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2003 10:52 pm
by rusty
Both of these issues have been resolved in build 503:
-MP3 headers should now all be correctly interpreted
-Sorting now works as you'd expect (if no track is selected, then sorting by any column shows the track list from the start)