Album Art is pixelated

Any ideas about how to improve MediaMonkey for Windows 4? Let us know!

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Album Art is pixelated

Post by Sammy20 »

Can you please add support for bicubic filtering with the album art diplay. Right now you seem to be using square pixel, and it makes my cover art look all pixelated.

Please note that the cover art looks fine when double clicking it for full size display.

Also, is it possible to move the location of the album art display? Or does it have to be displayed at the bottom left hand corner?
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Post by Lowlander »

Except for the tracklisting all other window elements can be dragged around in the MM display, including toolbars.

I believe the current resize mechanism was chosen for the reason of little CPU resources to display images resized.

Post by Big_Berny »

Well, I don't think that it uses so much CPU ressources!
A lot of programs have this algorithm and they are pretty fast. And normally album arts have a small resolution so it would be even faster!

Just my 2 Cents.

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Post by jiri »

We'll definitely consider implementing a better (smoother) resizing routine for future versions.

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Post by Sammy20 »

We'll definitely consider implementing a better (smoother) resizing routine for future versions.

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Let the user decide

Post by bdill »

I agree with the initial poster. The pixelation (moire patterns to be more exact) make my album art look like dookie. Resampling the files would be a "quick and easy" solution to the problem. ("quick and easy" for me because I'm not the one programming it) :)
Lowlander wrote:I believe the current resize mechanism was chosen for the reason of little CPU resources to display images resized.
Let the user decide. Make it an option to turn on/off. You can certainly leave resampling off by default, and you can even inform the user that turning this option on may be resource intensive, but ultimately let the user decide.

Check out your task manager's "Processes" tab sometime. Mine shows that my CPU is idle 98% of the time. In the days of 2 and 3+ GHz CPU's the task of resampling an image is IMO inconsequential. I have "just" a 2.08 GHz Athlon XP Barton, and Irfanview resamples my pictures from 2560 pixels (wide) to 150 pixels wide thumbnails at the rate of about 15/second.

Having said that, I LOVE the fact that MM scans the current folder for album art! Finally, all of my hard work scanning my CD covers and sleeves is paying off.
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Post by mjs93 »

Bumping this for the Official Wishlist if it isn't already on there -- I really hope this will be fixed in the coming version? It's been especially bothering me lately, lol. My cover art, even if it's perfect 300x300 and so is the window, always looks at least a little pixelated and disorted. Especially if the art is larger than 300x300. I hate to praise iTunes but that's one of the things they got right, bicubic resizing.

Thanks guys. I know there's a lot of stuff being worked on right now and this isn't a huge deal, just putting it out there again. :)
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Post by Al_G »

mjs93 wrote:Thanks guys. I know there's a lot of stuff being worked on right now and this isn't a huge deal, just putting it out there again. :)
I'm with you here, it's the primary reason why I haven't bothered to scan my CD covers yet.
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Post by jiri »

I can confirm that Album Art will be rendered perfectly in MM 2.5.

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Post by mjs93 »

I feel like I say this a lot in the forums here, but it's always deserved: THANK YOU!!!
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