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New rig, but ripping issues

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 4:11 pm
by Tough_Choices
Hi all.

New to the forum, but not to Media Monkey. Been using it about 15 years, maybe more, but recent PC issues led to me losing my previous version...alongside the license key.

So, I'm back. Got a new motherboard, CPU, soundcard and DVD drive, amongst other components, and collected the rig from the builder earlier today.
Downloaded MM5 and went for the lifetime license seeing as never wanted for any other media library software before.

Once the MM5 was loaded, I added a pile of MP3 files from my previous drive, which seem to have bedded in nicely and are sounding good.
However, I tried ripping a couple of CDs bought while the system was getting the upgrade, and there seem to be some issues.
The CDs are, admittedly, pre-owned, but they're in very good condition...i.e. no scratches. The rip settings are for MP3 320kbps, but the sound of the ripped files are marred with a fuzzy/crunchy/staticky effect, present to one level or another on each of the tracks over two different the sound level seems quieter in general. I get the feeling it's a system issue as opposed to a disc issue as there's a rhythmic element to the distortion.

On my previous set-up I tended to rip to FLAC, then convert to MP3-320 (for storage/playback on portable devices), and I may well return to that formula if that's what it takes.
But, I'm just wondering what the possible problem might be. Could it be the new DVD drive needing bedded in? Could it be a connection issue between motherboard and soundcard?

I have about 30 CDs waiting to get ripped so I can incorporate the contents into a radio show I do. It's been off-air for almost a month now due to the ongoing technical issues and subsequent upgrade, and MM has been a perfect resource for me to create and curate my show. I just want to get back to a position of being able to do that, so any helpful advice would be most welcome.

Thanks in advance for constructive suggestions.

Re: New rig, but ripping issues

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 4:22 pm
by Lowlander
Things to try, to see why this is happening:
- Rip to FLAC, do these files have the same issue?
- Disable Volume Leveling in the Rip dialog, does that resolve anything (or was it already disabled)?
- Play problem MP3's on another player, do they still have the same problems on playback?

Re: New rig, but ripping issues

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 5:06 pm
by Tough_Choices
Hi Lowlander, and thank you for the suggestions.

I’ve powered down for the night, but will attempt idea 1 tomorrow.
Idea 2 I can tell you the answer to now - volume levelling was already disabled.
As for idea 3, I’d need to re-rip to MP3-320 and then transfer to another player as I deleted the distorted rips immediately.

I’ll post back with any result re. FLAC rip and/or MP3 transfer.

Re: New rig, but ripping issues

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 8:54 am
by Tough_Choices
Hi Lowlander.

I tried the rip to FLAC suggestion, but the same effect was evident.

What I should have said in my original post was that I tried two different ripping modes initially - the jitter-corrected read, then the standard read - and both had the same result.

I'm going to borrow an external DVD drive from my PC guy overnight to try and rip from that instead. He suggests that will allow us to determine if the issue is from my newly-installed DVD drive or the associated cabling.

More updates to follow.

Re: New rig, but ripping issues

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:42 am
by Tough_Choices
The same effect is happening when doing a trial rip with Windows Media Player too...even after a clean with a CD lens cleaner.

Re: New rig, but ripping issues

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:04 am
by Lowlander
If WMP and MMW have the same issue when ripping it likely points to a hardware/system settings issue. Do try a different drive and see if the problem persists.

Re: New rig, but ripping issues

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:48 pm
by Tough_Choices
I didn't manage to get a hold of the external drive today to try that option out, but what I did discover is that the distortion also occurs during normal playback of a CD...not just as a part of the ripping procedure. So, I think that narrows it down further to the DVD drive and/or its cabling.

I might call a halt to this thread now seeing as it's not particularly a MMW5 issue...

...but, a couple of other issues I might mention in a new thread...